
Showing posts from January, 2025

My best friend-English essay

    My best friend Introduction- A friend is a person whom one likes respect and meets often. Friendship is the feeling that joins the hearts of two friends. Friendship is based on true love. A true friend is selfless. He helps his friends in the time of need He advises him to act right. But it is very difficult to find a true friend in the world.    Man as social being- Man social Being. One cannot live alone.He chooses someone of a choice. He may pass his leisure time with him. He will share his Joys and Sorrows with him. Thus a true friend is the best source of happiness. But such a friend cannot be had easily. According to Mahatma Gandhi,"friendship cannot be bought with bribery. Friends are precious- But it is not easy to make friends. A man must possesses some qualities. First, he must trust his friend. Only then he can open himself up to him. Secondly a friend should not always find faults with his friend. Thirdly, real friendship is possible among the equals....

How can we measure MRT on PPF -Micro Economics

        PPF and MRT We can measure MRT on the PPF. For example, MRT between the possibilities D and E is equal to DH/HE and between E and F, it is equal to EI/IF and so on.We know, PPF is concave shaped curve. The slope of PPF is a measure of the MRT. Since the slope of a concave curve increases as we move downwards along the curve, the MRT also rises as we move downwards along the curve. हम PPF पर MRT माप सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, संभावनाओं D और E के बीच MRT DH/HE के बराबर है और E और Fके बीच, यह EI/EF के बराबर है और इसी तरह।हम जानते हैं, PPFअवतल आकार का वक्र है। PPFका ढलान MRT का माप है। चूँकि जैसे-जैसे हम वक्र के साथ नीचे की ओर बढ़ते हैं, अवतल वक्र की ढलान बढ़ती जाती है, जैसे-जैसे हम वक्र के साथ नीचे की ओर बढ़ते हैं, MRT भी बढ़ती जाती है।                   You tube Video