
Showing posts with the label Class 12th English Poetry Flamingo

The Ailing Planet : the Green Movement's Role Short and long answer type questions

  The Ailing Planet : the Green Movement's Role Short answer type questions Q.1 . What is the Green Movement ?  हरित आंदोलन क्या है ?  Ans . The green movement is a social movement . It concerns for environmental conservation and improvements to the current health of the environment .  हरित आंदोलन एक सामाजिक आंदोलन है । यह पर्यावरण संरक्षण और पर्यावरण के मौजूदा स्वास्थ्य में सुधार के बारे में चिंता करता है ।  Q.2 . When was the ' Green Movement '               started ?  हरित आंदोलन कब आरम्भ हुआ ?  Ans . It was started in 1972. The world's first nationwide Green Party was founded in New Zealand . Since then , the movement has not looked back .  यह 1972 में आरम्भ हुआ । संसार का पहला राष्ट्रव्यापी हरित - दल न्यूजीलैण्ड में स्थापित किया गया । तब से इस आंदोलन ने पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखा ।  Q.3 . What do you mean by ' a holistic and ecological view of the world ?  संसार के प्रति ' समग्र और पारिस्थिक दृष्टि...

The Poem "Keeping Quiet"

           Keeping Quiet                         Central Idea  Pablo Neruda asks all the human beings to stop all our worldly activity for a while and spend our few moments in quiet introspection. It will keep us to understand ourselves. We are in trouble because we always remain in hurry and rush, let us withdraw ourselves from all undesirable actions and remain quiet. It will bring all together and a feeling of understanding with development. This poem leaves a message of universal brotherhood and peace. It urges people to stop all sorts of aggression,including that towards the environment. पाब्लो नेरुदा सभी इंसानों से कहते हैं कि हमारी सारी सांसारिक गतिविधियों को थोड़ी देर के लिए बंद कर दें और हमारे कुछ पल शांत आत्मनिरीक्षण में बिताएं।  यह हमें खुद को समझने के लिए रखेगा।  हम मुसीबत में हैं क्योंकि हम हमेशा जल्दी और हड़बड़ी में रहते हैं, आइए हम सभी अवांछित कार्यों से खुद को हट...

An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum(Central Idea)😢

 An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum                         Central Idea In this poem the poet,Stephen Spender, has presented a true picture of the life of the school children living in a slum . The children are in a very miserable condition due to their poverty and illiteracy. They are depressed. Their pale faces shows their sadness. They look weak and lean. Due to not getting proper nourishment their bonnes peeped out their skins.They are like rootless weeds which can't resist anything for their existence. They are physically very weak and under nourished. Spender is much worried for these children who live all their life in slum and have no opportunity to enjoy the real blessings of life. He makes a frantic appeal to the authorities,the educated and affluent sections of the society to make the life of slum children better through education. It will remove social injustice and class inequality. इस कविता में कवि स्ट...

Poem-My Mother at Sixty Six(Questions & answers)

 Q.1 . What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels ?                                                                                   ( वह किस प्रकार का पीड़ा और दर्द है जिसे कवियत्री महसूस करती है ? ) )  Ans . The poetes sees her mother sitting beside her and she is dozing . Her mouth is open . Her face is pale like a dead body . She is ageing . This is the pain and ache that the poetess feels .                          कवियत्री अपनी माँ को अपने पास बैठे हुए देखती है । वह सो रही   है । उनका मुँह खुला हुआ है । उनका चेहरा एक शव की भाँति पीला है । वह वृद्ध है । इस प्रकार का पीड़ा और दर्द कवियत्री महसूस करती है ।  Q.2 . Why are the young trees described as '    sprintin...