
Showing posts with the label English Essay

My best friend-English essay

    My best friend Introduction- A friend is a person whom one likes respect and meets often. Friendship is the feeling that joins the hearts of two friends. Friendship is based on true love. A true friend is selfless. He helps his friends in the time of need He advises him to act right. But it is very difficult to find a true friend in the world.    Man as social being- Man social Being. One cannot live alone.He chooses someone of a choice. He may pass his leisure time with him. He will share his Joys and Sorrows with him. Thus a true friend is the best source of happiness. But such a friend cannot be had easily. According to Mahatma Gandhi,"friendship cannot be bought with bribery. Friends are precious- But it is not easy to make friends. A man must possesses some qualities. First, he must trust his friend. Only then he can open himself up to him. Secondly a friend should not always find faults with his friend. Thirdly, real friendship is possible among the equals....

How can we measure MRT on PPF -Micro Economics

        PPF and MRT We can measure MRT on the PPF. For example, MRT between the possibilities D and E is equal to DH/HE and between E and F, it is equal to EI/IF and so on.We know, PPF is concave shaped curve. The slope of PPF is a measure of the MRT. Since the slope of a concave curve increases as we move downwards along the curve, the MRT also rises as we move downwards along the curve. हम PPF पर MRT माप सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, संभावनाओं D और E के बीच MRT DH/HE के बराबर है और E और Fके बीच, यह EI/EF के बराबर है और इसी तरह।हम जानते हैं, PPFअवतल आकार का वक्र है। PPFका ढलान MRT का माप है। चूँकि जैसे-जैसे हम वक्र के साथ नीचे की ओर बढ़ते हैं, अवतल वक्र की ढलान बढ़ती जाती है, जैसे-जैसे हम वक्र के साथ नीचे की ओर बढ़ते हैं, MRT भी बढ़ती जाती है।                   You tube Video

Forest Conservation Or Importance of Forests or Forest Conservation

  Forest Conservation                                                                       Or                                                                       Importance of Forests   Introduction - The word 'Forest' is derived from the Latin word 'Fores' which means 'outside'. Thus, it must have alway referred to a village outskirt or fence or boundary which must have included all cultivated as well as uncultivated land. Various types of forests are found in India. Today, of course, forests refer to vast areas of land covered with thick vegetation, trees and animale dwelling within.  The Forest of India- Owing ...

Essay-Technical Education

  Technical Education    Introduction  -Education is important for the growth of any country . It takes a long time to make a nation into a developed country . This cannot be achieved without education . “ When you know better , you do better " is a famous quote therefore . India is witnessing the age of science and technology . There is a huge demand for technical education in modern age .  What is Technical Education ? - Technical education is different from the education we understand in ordinary sense . It means teaching and learning about the use of machinery from colleges and technical institutes . In other words , it is a process of acquiring practical skills on various works . Vocational training is a simple example of technical education . Technical education is rather a modern form of education . It emerged with the development of industries , transport and communication of the modern time .   Importance Importance of Technical Education- There ar...


  AN IDEAL FAMILY                              (OR)                                                           A HAPPY HOME  Outline : 1. Introduction, 2.Characteristics of an Ideal Family  (a) Self-sacrifice, (b) Tolerance. (c) Health, (d) Discipline, (e) Money, 3. Conclusion.  Introduction : An ideal family is a source of joy. It is the gift of God. It is the basis of our happiness and prosperity. It makes us carefree. It makes us cultured and caring. It makes home happy.  Characteristics of an Ideal Family- (a) Self-sacrifice : The feeling of self sacrifice helps the atmosphere of families remain peaceful. It is due to the lack of proper adjustment. An ideal position should be that the elders should sacrifice their convenience and comfort for t...


WONDERS OF SCIENCE Or GIFTS OF SCIENCE TO MANKIND   Introduction : It is rightly said, "Necessity is the mother of invention." We are living in the age of science. Science has caused many inventions in every field of life. It has given us many boons' which have made our life comfortable? and joyful. In fact, science has made man the master of this world. It has brought marvellous changes in man's life. It has translated our dreams into realities. All around, we are surrounded by the magical wonders of science. परिचय: यह ठीक ही कहा गया है, "आवश्यकता आविष्कार की जननी है।"  हम विज्ञान के युग में जी रहे हैं।  विज्ञान ने जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में कई आविष्कार किए हैं।  इसने हमें कई वरदान दिए हैं 'जिन्होंने हमारे जीवन को सहज बनाया है?  और हर्षित।  वास्तव में, विज्ञान ने मनुष्य को इस दुनिया का मालिक बना दिया है।  इसने मनुष्य के जीवन में अद्भुत परिवर्तन लाए हैं।  इसने हमारे सपनों को वास्तविकता में अनुवादित किया है।  चारों ओर, हम विज्ञान के जादुई चमत्कार...


                  PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN INDIA  Introduction- India has been facing so many problems since independence. Problem of unemployment is one of them, All the governments of free India have been claiming to solve it. But none could do it till yet. In fact it has been becoming more and more serious day-by day, Problem of unemployment means the lack of work, The number of educated and uneducated young men has been increasing day-by-day. But the quantum of work and number of posts have been decreasing. So most of the people remain without work. Thus the problem of unemployment is created. There may be many causes of unemployment. Some main causes are as follows : प्रस्तावना -भारत आजादी के बाद से कई समस्याओं का सामना कर रहा है।  बेरोजगारी की समस्या उनमें से एक है, मुक्त भारत की सभी सरकारें इसे हल करने का दावा करती रही हैं।  लेकिन अब तक कोई नहीं कर सका।  वास्तव में यह दिन-प्रतिदिन गंभीर होता जा रहा है, बेरोजगारी क...

Essay- A Journey by Bus

  A Journey by Bus    Introduction : On 15th May I had a programme to go to Kanpur from Aligarh in the marriage of my nephew. As the train was not convenient, I decided to go by bus.  Description : (i) Booking office- At about 6 a.m. I reached the bus stand, On reaching the bus stand, I found a long queue outside the booking-office. At that time I saw that the entire compound was crowded with passengers. People were moving this way and that way. There was a big crowd outside the inquiry office. When my bus came, I purchased a ticket. Then I came towards the bus and occupied a seat near a window.  (ii) Market- The bus started from Aligarh at 7 a.m. First of all it passed through the city very slowly. But after crossing the bridge it began to run very fast. Its speed was about 50 kilometres.  (iii) Natural scene- When the bus left the Hathras Gate, nature presented a very good scene. The sun was shining in the sky. The birds were singing melodiously. The fa...

Essay-"An Accident"

               An Accident                               or A Collision Between A Car And A Rickshaw  Outlines : 1. Introduction 2. Description 3. Conclusion   Introduction : My friend Hari had a new car. He purchased it last year. A few days ago, he took me on the G.T. Road simply for a joy ride to a few kilometres. It was morning. The sun was rising in the east and the gentle breeze was blowing. He was driving the car and was in high spirits. We came out of the city and proceeded on the road towards Delhi.  Description : For some time our car ran very fast. The road was very busy. I asked my friend not to drive fast. But he did not listen to me. He had much confidence. We had hardly crossed the river bridge when he saw a rickshaw with three passengers in it coming towards us from the opposite side. The rickshaw driver was an old man. Seeing him my friend...

Price Rise and Its Impact on the Poor

   Price Rise and Its Impact on the Poor  Introduction : There is the problem of rising prices all over the world.  But this problem is more serious in India than anywhere else.  It is a great curse to poor class.  The following facts have caused the price - rise in India.   Shortage of Things: India is a developing country.  Production is not enough to meet the needs of its people.  So there is shortage of everything.  It causes rise in prices.   Over - population: India is facing the great problem of over - population.  But production does not increase in the same proportion.  So people's needs cannot be met out.  The prices go high.  As such there is a great need of check on population.   Backward Farming: Backward farming is also a cause of rising prices.  The yield is low.  There is shortage of oil seeds, pulses, gram and some other food grains.  The supply is less than the...

Essay-Visit to a Historical Place

     Visit to a Historical Place  Introduction : Our history teacher believes in practical teaching. So this year in the month of October, he took some students to Agra to see Taj Mahal.  Importance of Agra: Agra is a famous city. It achieved great historical importance in India during the Mughal period.  Buildings at Agra: The Mughals built many buildings. Some of them are very remarkable. The Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, Sikandra and the Fatehpur Sikri are places worthseeing. Our Stay at Agra: We reached Agra at noon. We stayed in a luxurious hotel. After taking light refreshment we started to see the Taj Mahal.  Description of the Taj: The Taj Mahal is situated on the left bank of the river Yamuna. It is built of white marble. It was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved queen, Mumtaz Mahal. The whole building is white. The graves of both the King and the Queen are in the vault of the Taj Mahal. It looks very beautiful in moonlight. It is a st...

Essay-My Hobby

                                                                My Hobby    Introduction : I am a student. Gardening is my hobby. It is a pastime for me. It is an entertainment for me. It gives me pleasure.   Pleasures of Gardening: Gardening for a student or a serviceman who does a sedentary job is a source of pleasure. As a student I claim it a source of healthy pleasure for me.  A Refreshing Work : After mental work a physical work is refreshing. I come from school. I change my dress. I have some snacks. Then I go to my small garden or rather a kitchen garden. I do some spade work. I dig the soil. I prepare a bed for vegetable or flowers. It is my physical exercise. When the seedbed is ready, it gives me contentment. I bathe and wash my clothes. Thereafter I feel relief. It gives me pleasure. I study ...

Essay-Corona : A Global Challenge

  Corona : A Global Challenge Introduction- Covid-19(Corona Virus Disease  2019) is a huge global health crisis of our time.It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan city of China.It is thought to have originated in a sea food market where wildlife was sold illegally. Scientist have pointed to either bats or snake as possible sources. The WHO declared it a pandemic on March 11,2020. Since it's emergence, it has caused a large number of deaths across the world. There is no known cure for Covid-19 yet. Symptoms and spread- Fever, dry cough and difficulty in breathing are common symptoms of Covid-19. Fatigue,sore throat, muscle pain and loss of smell can also be seen in Covid-19 patient. The incubation period of Covid-19 is thought to be between 1 and 14 days. Infected patients can be asymptomatic, which means they do not show any symptoms despite being affected.This is why so many people get infected. Prevention- Regularly washing our hands with soap and water, covering ...

Essay-Our Social Evils

                                Essay   OUR SOCIAL EVILS  Introduction  - Aristotle once said, "Man is a social animal." He was perfectly right. The reason is that a man is born in society. He passes his life in society and dies in society, But society is not a mere collection of individuals. It is a dynamic force. It compels an individual to change himself according to its ways. So society controls man's behaviour. परिचय -अरस्तू ने एक बार कहा था, "मनुष्य एक सामाजिक प्राणी है।"  वह बिलकुल सही था।  कारण यह है कि एक आदमी समाज में पैदा होता है।  वह समाज में अपना जीवन गुजारता है और समाज में मर जाता है, लेकिन समाज केवल व्यक्तियों का संग्रह नहीं है।  यह एक गतिशील शक्ति है।  यह एक व्यक्ति को उसके तरीकों के अनुसार खुद को बदलने के लिए मजबूर करता है।  इसलिए समाज मनुष्य के व्यवहार को नियंत्रित करता है।   Rousseau's opinion : Rousseau was a famous French thinker. H...

Essay- Your Ambition in Life

  1- Introduction -Different persons have different aims of life. They have difficult ambitions in life. It is quite natural. No two persons are the same.They differ in their aptitude, taste, intelligence, capacity and circumstances of life. The aims of life are set taking these factors into consideration. If it is not done so, they get nothing but dissatisfaction in life. 1-परिचय -विभिन्न व्यक्तियों के जीवन के अलग-अलग उद्देश्य होते हैं।  जीवन में उनकी मुश्किल महत्वाकांक्षाएं हैं।  यह काफी स्वाभाविक है।  कोई भी दो व्यक्ति एक जैसे नहीं होते हैं। वे अपनी योग्यता, स्वाद, बुद्धिमत्ता, क्षमता और जीवन की परिस्थितियों में भिन्न होते हैं।  जीवन के उद्देश्य इन कारकों को ध्यान में रखते हुए निर्धारित किए गए हैं।  यदि ऐसा नहीं किया जाता है, तो उन्हें जीवन में असंतोष के अलावा कुछ नहीं मिलता है। 2-Ambition to be a lawyer- Now a days there is a craze to become a doctor or an engineer or to join Indian administrative services. But I am good neither at sciences nor at mathe...

Essay-" My First Day At School"

 My First Day At School 1. Introduction:   First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It was 1st July. 2. On way to school -I got up early in the morning on this day. I got myself prepared. With my tutor, I started towards my new school. 3. School office and the Principal's office -We entered the office where I found four men sitting behind the counter. My tutor got a form from one of them. He filled it. Then we entered the principal's office. My tutor gave the form to him. He looked at the form and struck a bell. At once a peon came in. He ordered him to take us to the staff room. 4-My test and Admission- T he peon lead us to the room where I found the teachers are sitting around a long table. My tutor gave the form to one of them. The teacher put my knowledge to test in English. He found me fit. Another teacher gave me five sums to solve. I solved them easily. Both the teachers wrote something on the form. Again my tutor...