
Showing posts with the label Class-12th Prose-Flamingo

Indigo-Summary Of the Lesson

  Summary of the Lesson  The story ' Indigo ' is an excerpt from Louis Fischer's book " The Life of Mahatma Gandhi ' . The story is set in 1916-17 . The place is Champaran in Bihar . The great leadership qualities were shown by      Gandhi to secure justice for oppressed people through argumentation and and bold negotiations . Gandhi gave leadership to poor peasants of that region . There were big estates owned by British people and the workers were Indian tenants . The tenants were compelled to grow indigo . A peasant Rajkumar Shukla met Gandhi and insisted on him visiting the place to help their cause of justice . In Patna Gandhi visited a lawyer named Rajendra Prasad ( he became the first President of India ) . A lot of lawyers and peasants poured in large number to support Gandhi and his cause . Gandhi showed the people how to fight boldly against the discrimination of British Raj . The agitation prolonged for one year and ended in grand success by gaining p...

The Rattrap written by- Selma Lagerlof,Short and Long Answer Type Questions

  Short Answer Type Questions Q.1 . How did the peddler make the rattraps ?  ( फेरीवाला चूहेदानों को कैसे बनाता था ? )  Ans . The peddler made the rattraps of wire from the  material he got by begging in the stores or at the big farms . He made them himself at odd moments .  ( तार के चूहेदान बनाने की सामग्री को फेरीवाला स्टोरों या बड़े कृषि फर्मों से भीख माँगकर या बड़े कृषि फार्मों से लेता था । बाद में वह अतिरिक्त समय में इनको बनाता था । )  Q.2 . How does the crofter receive the peddler in his house ? ( किसान अपने घर में फेरीवाले का किस प्रकार स्वागत करता है ? )  Ans . As the peddler comes to his cottage , the crofter puts the porridge pot on the fire and gives him supper . He gives him tobacco roll for his pipe . Finally , they play cards until bedtime .  ( जब फेरीवाला झोंपड़ी में आता है तो किसान तुरन्त ही दलिये के पात्र को चूल्हे पर चढ़ा देता है और उसको भोजन कराता है । चिलम पीने के लिए वह उसे तम्बाकू देता है । उसके बाद सोने का समय होने तक वे लोग ...

The Last Lesson (Alphonse Daudte)Short &Long Answer Type Question

  The Last Lesson                                     Written by-(Alphonse Daudet) Short  Answer Type Question Q. 1. What was frenz expected to be prepared with for school that day ?  ( उस दिन फेंज से स्कूल के लिए क्या तैयारी की आशा थी ? )  Ans . That day frenz was expected to be prepared with participles because M. Hamel had said that he would question them on participles ?  उस दिन फ्रेंज से यह आशा थी कि वह  Participle के नियमों के साथ तैयार रहेगा क्योंकि एम . हेमल ने कहा था कि वे उनसे Participle पर सवाल करेंगे ।  Q. 2 What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day ?  ( उस दिन फ्रेंज ने विद्यालय में के बारे में क्या असामान्य चीज अनुभव की ? )  Ans . That day , Franz noticed the absence of the routine commotion caused by the opening and closing of desks , repeating of lessons in unison and rapping of the teacher's ruler on the table...