
Showing posts with the label English literature(Poem)

Central Idea Of The Poem"Education Of Nature"

Lucy was an imaginary beautiful child.She was brought up jn the healthy surroundinds of nature.She grew up in the lap of Nature.Nature teachers her everything.Nature works as a teacher for her.Nature adopted her as her child.She was sweet and innocent.Nature will take her to mountains,plains and valleys.The clouds will teach her how to walk in a graceful manner.The bendind of the willow teach her modesty.The storm will teach her grace.Thus Nature plains to make her an ideal lady and Nature did her work properly.But it is sad that Lucy dies soon.Her death gives a deep shock to the poet.He finds himself alone and remember her again and again.

Synthesis Of Sentences--Use Of Participle(Present,Past and Perfect Participle)

Synthesis में दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple,Complex या Compound Sentence बनाया जाता है। Synthesis का अध्ययन निम्नलिखित शीर्षकों के अंतर्गत किया जाता है- 1-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Simple Sentence 2-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Complex Sentence 3-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Compound Sentence Formation Of Simple Sentence Participle का प्रयोग करके-- Participle का प्रयोग करके दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को जोड़कर एक Simple Sentence बनाना।Participle का प्रयोग करने से पहले हमें इन्हें व इनके प्रकार को जानना चाहिए।अतः Participle तीन प्रकार के होते है। 1-Present Participle-----M.V.(I form+Ing) 2-Past Participle---------M.V.(III form) 3-Perfect Participle----Having+M.V.(III form)----Active Voice में Having been +M.V.(III form)--Passive मैं Present Participle का प्रयोग करके---यह क्रिया के अंत मे ing लगाने से बनता है।हिंदी में इसका अर्थ "हुआ या करके होता है।इसमें दो कार्य साथ- साथ चल रहे होते हैं।...
 Central Idea Of The Poem"Mery" -------------------------------------------------------------             Mery is the finest human quality.It blesses both the giver and the receiver. The person who give mery,shows his greatness.The person who receives mercy,Is benefitted.It is the greatest quality of the greatest person.It is greater than the royal rod of a king.People obey a king for the fear of being punished.If a king is mercyful,people obey and respect him. Mery is the quality of God himself.Earthly power become divine when mery is mixed with justice.