In The Kingdom Of Fools(Questions & Answers)
1.Que-What are the two strange things the guru and his disciple find in the kingdom of fools ? Ans. (1) In the kingdom of fools people worked during the night and slept during the day. (2) Everything there cost the same price. 2.Que-Why does the disciple decide to stay in the kingdom of fools? Is it a good idea? Ans. The disciple wanted to stay in the kingdom of fools because everything here could be bought in a very low price. But it was not a good idea because he fell into trouble in the kingdom of fools. Que.3- Name all the people who are brought in the king's court, and give the reasons for their trial. Ans. The first person was the owner of the house. He defended himself by saying that the wall was made by the bricklayer. The bricklayer was the second person questioned in the trial. He blamed the dancing girl for disturbing his work by going up and down the street whole day. The dancing girl was questioned. She said that goldsmith was resp...