Synthesis Of Sentences--Use Of Participle(Present,Past and Perfect Participle)
Synthesis में दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple,Complex या Compound Sentence बनाया जाता है।
Synthesis का अध्ययन निम्नलिखित शीर्षकों के अंतर्गत किया जाता है-
1-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Simple Sentence
2-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Complex Sentence
3-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Compound Sentence
Synthesis का अध्ययन निम्नलिखित शीर्षकों के अंतर्गत किया जाता है-
1-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Simple Sentence
2-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Complex Sentence
3-Combination Of Simple Sentences Into One Compound Sentence
Formation Of Simple Sentence
Participle का प्रयोग करके--
Participle का प्रयोग करके दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को जोड़कर एक Simple Sentence बनाना।Participle का प्रयोग करने से पहले हमें इन्हें व इनके प्रकार को जानना चाहिए।अतः Participle तीन प्रकार के होते है।
1-Present Participle-----M.V.(I form+Ing)
2-Past Participle---------M.V.(III form)
3-Perfect Participle----Having+M.V.(III form)----Active Voice में
Having been +M.V.(III form)--Passive मैं
1-Seprate-She saw the lion.She ran away.
Combined-Seeing the lion,she ran away.
2-Seprate-He jumped up.He ran away.
Combined-Jumping up,he ran away.
3-Seprate-The magician took pity on the mouse.He turned it into a cat.
Combined-Taking pity on the mouse,the magician turned it into a cat.
4-Seprate-He took a pen.He wrote a letter
Combined-Taking a pen,he wrote a letter
5-Seprate-He drew his sword.He attacked his enemy.
Comined-Drawing his sword,he attacked his enemy.
6-Seprate-Turn to the right.You will find the house.
Combined-Turning to the right,you will found the house.
7-SeprateHer husband died.She heard the news.She fainted.
Combined-Hearing the news of her husband's death,she fainted.
8-Seprate-I reached home.I took of my clothes.
Combined-Reaching home,I took off my clothes.
Combined-Being hungry,I took my food.
10-Seprate-She was tired of boiled eggs.She started taking inlet.
Combined-Being tired of boiled eggs,she started taking omlet.
11-She was tired of walking.She lay down to take rest.
Combined-Being tired of walking she lay down to take rest.
Note-अगर Present Participle का संबंध वाक्य के Object से हो तो उसे Object के बाद रखते हैं।
12-Seprate-I saw Ramesh. He was abusing his neighbour.
Combined-I saw Ramesh abusing his neighbour.
13-Seprate-A funny fox saw some grapes.The were hanging from a vine.
Combined-A funny fox saw some grapes hanging from a vine.
14-I saw a bird.It was flying in the sky.
COMBINED-I saw a bird flying in the sky.
15-Seprate-Sheela witnessed three dolls.Dolls were talking in a strange language.
Combined-Sheela witnessed three dolls talking in a strange language.
Present Participle का प्रयोग करके---यह क्रिया के अंत मे ing लगाने से बनता है।हिंदी में इसका अर्थ "हुआ या करके होता है।इसमें दो कार्य साथ- साथ चल रहे होते हैं।प्रायः दूसरा कार्य पहले कार्य का परिणाम होता है परन्तु इनका Subject एक (same)होता है।
*Present Participle का प्रयोग कब करें--(1)जब Subject एक हो तथा क्रिया भिन्न-भिन्न हो।
(2)जब दोनों क्रियाओं के बीच समय अंतराल(Time interval)नही के बराबर हो।जैसे-1-Seprate-She saw the lion.She ran away.
Combined-Seeing the lion,she ran away.
2-Seprate-He jumped up.He ran away.
Combined-Jumping up,he ran away.
3-Seprate-The magician took pity on the mouse.He turned it into a cat.
Combined-Taking pity on the mouse,the magician turned it into a cat.
4-Seprate-He took a pen.He wrote a letter
Combined-Taking a pen,he wrote a letter
5-Seprate-He drew his sword.He attacked his enemy.
Comined-Drawing his sword,he attacked his enemy.
6-Seprate-Turn to the right.You will find the house.
Combined-Turning to the right,you will found the house.
7-SeprateHer husband died.She heard the news.She fainted.
Combined-Hearing the news of her husband's death,she fainted.
8-Seprate-I reached home.I took of my clothes.
Combined-Reaching home,I took off my clothes.
Rule-(जब is,are,am,was,were,मुख्य क्रिया के रूप में हो तो इसका Present Participle-Being होता है)
9-Seprate-I was hungry .I took my food.Combined-Being hungry,I took my food.
10-Seprate-She was tired of boiled eggs.She started taking inlet.
Combined-Being tired of boiled eggs,she started taking omlet.
11-She was tired of walking.She lay down to take rest.
Combined-Being tired of walking she lay down to take rest.
Note-अगर Present Participle का संबंध वाक्य के Object से हो तो उसे Object के बाद रखते हैं।
12-Seprate-I saw Ramesh. He was abusing his neighbour.
Combined-I saw Ramesh abusing his neighbour.
13-Seprate-A funny fox saw some grapes.The were hanging from a vine.
Combined-A funny fox saw some grapes hanging from a vine.
14-I saw a bird.It was flying in the sky.
COMBINED-I saw a bird flying in the sky.
15-Seprate-Sheela witnessed three dolls.Dolls were talking in a strange language.
Combined-Sheela witnessed three dolls talking in a strange language.
Perfect Participle
Perfect Participle=Having+III form Of The Verb--Active Voice में
Having been+III form of the verb-Passive Voice में
Having been+III form of the verb-Passive Voice में
Perfect Participle का प्रयोग कब और कैसे करें--
1-दिए गये वाक्यों के Subject एक हो।
2-दिये गए वाक्यों के Verb अलग-अलग हो।
3-एक कार्य जब पूर्ण रूप से समाप्त हो जाय तब दूसरा कार्य प्रारंभ हो। जैसे-
1-Seprate-I completed the work.I went to market.
Combined-Having completed the work,I went to market.
2-Seprate-He finished his work.He went to hospital.
Combined-Having finished the work,he went to hospital.
3-Seprate-She had completed her written work.She went to office.
Combined-Having completed her written work,she went to office.
Participle का Passive form( having+been)के साथ Verb के third form से बनता है।,जैसे-
1-Seprate-He was punished by his teacher.He felt sorry.
Combined-Having been punished by his teacher,he felt sorry.
Past Participle
Past Participle मुख्य क्रिया(Main Verb) के third form से बनता है तथा वाक्य में Adjective का कार्य करता है।
पहचान-जब एक वाक्य का Object दूसरे वाक्य का Subject हो तथा दूसरा वाक्य Passive Voice में हो तो ऐसे वाक्यों को Past Participle से जोड़ सकते हैं।
प्रयोग-Passive वाक्य के Main Verb को पहले Sentence के Object के पूर्व लिख देते हैं।जैसे-
1-Seprate-I saw a man. The man was dead.
2-Combined-I saw a dead man.
3-Seprate-I have a shirt.It is torn.
Combined-I have a torn shirt.
4-Seprate-I have a flower.It is faded.
Combined-I have a faded flower.
5-Seprate-You have a chair.It is broken.
Combined-you have a broken chair.
6-Seprate-He brought a tray .It was covered.
Combined-He brought a covered tray.
7-Seprate-I found my purse.It was lost.
Combined-I found my lost purse.
8-Seprate-I found my money.It was stolen.
Combined-I found my stolen money.
1-Seprate-I saw a man. The man was dead.
2-Combined-I saw a dead man.
3-Seprate-I have a shirt.It is torn.
Combined-I have a torn shirt.
4-Seprate-I have a flower.It is faded.
Combined-I have a faded flower.
5-Seprate-You have a chair.It is broken.
Combined-you have a broken chair.
6-Seprate-He brought a tray .It was covered.
Combined-He brought a covered tray.
7-Seprate-I found my purse.It was lost.
Combined-I found my lost purse.
8-Seprate-I found my money.It was stolen.
Combined-I found my stolen money.
Very nice