Synthesis-Formation of Complex Sentence(Adverb Clause)दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को मिलाकर एक Complex Sentence बनाना (Adverb Clause का प्रयोग करके)

            Formation Of Complex Sentence using Adverb Clause     --------------------------------------------     

  Adverb Clause


Adverb Clause के अंतर्गत हमें Time(समय),Place(स्थान),Reason(कारण)Codition(शर्त),Comparision(तुलना),Contrast(विरोध)Result(परिणाम),Purpose(उद्देश्य)व manner(तौर-तरीका)का भाव मिलता है।इसलिए भाव के अनुसार हम Conjunction का प्रयोग करके हम Synthesis करते हैं।

*भाव के अनुसार Adverb Clause जोड़ने के लिए भिन्न-भिन्न Conjuction का प्रयोग होता है।

Time(समय)प्रदर्शित करने के लिए- मुख्य Conjunctions Whenever, When,While,Till,Until,Before,

After,As long as,as Soon as,Since,No sooner(do या does/did/had)----than---,आदि है।


*Seprate-The Thieves saw the police. They ran away at once.

चोर ने पुलिस् को देखा। वे तुरंत भाग गए।

Combined-As soon as the thieves saw the police,they ran away at once.

ज्योहीं चोरों ने पुलिस को देखा वे तुरंत भाग गए।


Combined-No sooner did the thieves see the police than they ran away at once.


No sooner had the thieves seen the police than they ran away.

*Seprate-The train had left.They reached the station.

 ट्रेन जा चुकी थी ।वही स्टेशन पहुंचे।

 Combined-The train had left before they reached the station.

 उनके स्टेशन पहुंचने से पहले ट्रेन जा चुकी थी।

 separate- I reached the station .The train had already left.

 मैं स्टेशन पहुंचा। ट्रेन पहले ही जा चुकी थी।

 Combined- The train had already left before I reached the station.

मेरे स्टेशन पहुंचने के पहले ही ट्रेन जा चुकी थी।

* separate -He waited for his brother. He waited till his arrival.

वह अपने भाई का इंतजार किया। वह उसके आगमन तक इंतजार किया।

Combined- He waited  his brother till he arrived.

 वह अपने भाई के आने तक इंतजार किया।

*Separate-  The bell Rang . They all all came up at once.

 Combined- As soon as the bell rang .They all came up at once.

ज्योंहि ही घंटी बजी वे सब तुरंत ऊपर आ गए।


When the bell rang, they all came up at once.

 जब घंटी बजी वह सभी तुरंत ऊपर आ गए।

Note-इसमें atonce का प्रयोग हुआ है इसलिए ऊपर वाला ज्यादा उपयुक्त है।

*Seprate-The police came .The thief had run away.

पुलिस आई ।चोर भाग चुके थे।

Combined- The police came after  the thief had run away.

 चोर के भाग जाने के बाद पुलिस आई।

*Separate-I always take a bath.I go to bed.

Combined-I always take a bath before I go to bed.

*Separate-Will you wait here?.I am ready.

Combined-Will you wait here until I am ready?

क्या जबतक मैं तैयार नही हो जाता तबतक तुम मेरा इन्तजार

करोगे ?

*Seprate-Do not disturb me. I am busy with my work.

Combined-Do not disturb me when I am busy with my work.

*Seprate-She finished that project.She atonce started working on the next.

उसने उस प्रोजेक्ट को समाप्त किया।उसने तुरंत अगले पर कार्य करना प्रारंभ किया।

Combined-As soon as she finished that project,she started Working on the next.

ज्योहीं उसने उस प्रोजेक्ट को समाप्त किया उसने अगले पर कार्य करना प्रारंभ कर दिया।

*Seprate-I have finished my work.I will accompany you to the park.

मैं अपना काम समाप्त कर चुकी हूँ।मैं तुम्हारे दत्त पार्क चलूंगी।

Combined-After I have finished my work,I will accompany you to the park.

मैं अपना काम समाप्त कर लेने के बाद तुम्हारे साथ पार्क चलूँगी।

*Seprate-I think of her.My eyes get misty.

Combined-Whenever I think of her,my eyes get misty.

*Seprate-I will not go.I get my money back.

Combined-I will not go untill I get my honey back


I will not go until I will get my money back.

Place(स्थान)प्रदर्शित करने के लिए-मुख्य Conjunctions Where,Wherever


*Seprate-Gandhi ji went to many places.He was welcomed everywhere.

गांधी जी कई स्थानों पर गए।उनका हर जगह स्वागत किया गया।

Combined-Gandhi ji was welcomed wherever he went.

गांधी जी का हर जगह स्वागत किया गया जहाँ कही भी वे गए।

*Seprate-He lives at some place.No body lives there.

Combined-No body lives there where he lives.

*Separate-I saw a place.Shahjahan was buried there.

Combined-I saw the place where Shahjahan was buried.

*Separate-I was standing on the road. My father left me there.

Combined-I was standing on the road where my father left me.

3-Reason(कारण) प्रदर्शित करने के लिए--मुख्य Conjunctions because, since, as ,that है

*Seprate-He passed the examination.He worked hard.

Combined-He passed the examination because he had worked hard.


Since he had worked hard,he passed the examination.


As he had worked hard,he passed the examination.

*Separate-He is weak.I shall teach him.

Combined-I shall teach him because he is weak.

*Separate-He went to Dehradun.He wanted to consult a doctor.

Combined-He went to Dehradun because he wanted to consult a doctor. 

*Separate-He has apologized. We will take no further action against him.

Combined-Since he has apologized,we will take no further action against him.

*Separate-He was not there.I left a message with his mother.

Combined-As he was not there,I left a message with his mother.

4-Condition(शर्त)प्रदर्शित करने के लिए-मुख्य Conjunctions if, unless,in case  आदि

*Separate-Work hard.You will get success

Combined-If you work hard,you will get success. या

You will not get success unless you work hard.

In case you do not work hard,you will not get success.

*Separate-Work day and night.You want to pass.

Combined-If you want to pass, work day and night.

*Separate-It may rain .We shall stay at home.

Combined-If it rains,we shall stay at home.

Separate-Do not eat stale food. You will fall sick

Combined-If you eat stale food,you will fall sick. या

You will fall sick if you eat stale food.

Comparision(तुलना)बताने वाले--मुख्य Conjuctions than,,as.........As,तथा so------as आदि हैं।

Note-As............As (Affirmative Sentence में)

       So.................. as(Negative Sentence में)

Seprate-Roshani is beautiful.Mohini is equally beautifully.

रोशनी सुंदर है।मोहिनी उसी के समान सुंदर है।

Combined-Mohini is as beautiful as Roshani.

मोहिनी उतनी ही सुंदर है जितनी रोशनी।

*Separate-Govind is more intelligent. I am less intelligent.

Combined-I am not so intelligent as Govind.


Govind is more intelligent than I (am)

*Separate-The pen is good.No pen is better than this.

Combined-No other pen is better than this pen.

6-Contrast(विरोध) बताने के लिए--मुख्य Conjuctions-Though,Although और Even though,even if हैं।

*Separate-He is poor.He is honest

Combined-Although he is poor,he is honest.

*Separate-He has plenty of money.He does not spend.

Combined-Though/although he has plenty of money,he does not spend money.


Even though-

--even though is a slightly stronger form of "Although"


Separate-We decided to buy the house.We did not realy have enough money.

Combined-We decided to buy the house even though we did not realy have enough money.

*Separate-The exam was easy.I failed.

Combined-Even though the exam was easy ,I failed.

*Separate-I will not tell you.I know the fact.

Combined-I will not tell you even though I knew the fact.


Even if---

-even if is used to imphasize that,although may happen or may be true,it will not change a situation.


*Separate-She may be survive.She will never fully recover.

Combined-Even if she survives,she will never fully recover.

Result(परिणाम) प्रदर्शित करने के लिए--मुख्य Conjunction "So-----that,Such------that आदि है।पहले Clause में So तथा दूसरे में that लगेगा।

*इसमें एक कारण दिखाता है तथा दूसरा परिणाम

*Separate-He is  very old.He can not run

Combined-He is so old that he can not run.

*Seprate-He was very poor.He could not buy this book.

Combined-He was so poor that he could not buy this book.

*Separate-He is very tired.He can barely stand.

Combined-He is so tired that he can barely stand.

*Separate-He runs very fast..I can not catch him.

Combined-He runs so fast that I can not catch him.

Separate-He spoke in a low voice.No body could hear her.

Combined-He spoke in such a low voice that no body could hear her.

Separate-It was a hot afternoon.We stopped playing.

Combined-It was such a hot afternoon that we stopped playing.

Purpose(उद्देश्य) प्रदर्शित करने वाले---मुख्य Conjuction-So that(ताकि), in order that(ताकि),Lest आदि है।So that तथा in order that के बाद may (यदि Principal Clause, present Tense में हो तो) तथा might(यदि Principal Clause,Past Tense में हो तो) तथा lest के बाद Should का प्रयोग होता है।

*Separate-I drew my sword.I wanted to defend myself.

Combined-I drew my sword so that I might defend myself.

*Separate-He works hard.He wants to get first division.

Combined-He works hard so that he may get first division.

*Separate-Walk carefully.You may fall.

Combined-Walk carefully lest you should fall.

*Separate-Schools were closed early.Students could reach home before thunderstorm.

Combined-Schools were closed early in order that students might reach home before thunderstorm.

Note-So that और in order that दोंनो का प्रयोग एक दूसरे के स्थान पर हो सकता है लेकिन so that अधिक Formal है।

Manner(ढंग) प्रदर्शित करने के लिए--मुख्य Conjuctions--as, है।

*Separate-You have welcomed me in a certain way.I will welcome you in the same way.

Combined-I will welcome you as you have welcomed me.

*Separate-You have treated me in a certain way. I will treat you in the same way.

Combined-I will treat you as you have treated me.

*Separate-My elder brother teaches me. I learn my lesson according him.

Combined-I learn my lesson as my elder brother teaches me.



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