Synthesis-Formation of Compound Sentence(Combination of Simple Sentences into one Compound Sentence)

Formation of Compound Sentence


दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को मिलाकर एक Compound Sentence बनाना


सबसे पहले हम ये जानने का प्रयास करेंगे कि Compound Sentence का Structure क्या होता है।Compound Sentence में एक Principal Clause तथा एक या एक से अधिक Co-Ordinate Clause होती है जो किसी न किसी Co-Ordinating Conjuction से जुड़ी होती है।Co-Ordinate Clause अपना स्वतंत्र अर्थ देती है यह अपने अर्थ के लिए Principal Clause पर निर्भर नही होता है।

*सबसे पहले हम Co-Ordinating Conjunctions के बारे में जानेंगें तभी हम Principal Clause और Co-Ordinate Clause को जोड़ सकते हैं।

      Co-Ordinating Conjunction चार प्रकार के होते हैं-

A-Cumulative Conjuctions- and,both-and,as well as,not only--but also.

Alternative Conjuctions-Or,either---or,neither-----nor, otherwise.

Adversative Conjuctions--yet,but,still, nevertheless,whereas,while.

Illative Connections---so,therefore,for(क्योंकि),hence.

Note-Compound Sentence बनाने से पहले हम इन conjuntions का वाक्य में प्रयोग करना सीखेंगे ताकि इनका अर्थ स्पष्ट हो जाये।




I called him and he came.


As well as


Rohan as well as Govind has bought this book.


Not only-------but also(केवल नहीं---बल्कि)


*Sameer not only plays but also studies.

समीर केवल खेलता ही नही बल्कि पढ़ता भी है।




*Shakespeare was both a writer and a poet.

शेक्सपियर एक लेखक और कवि दोनों था।


Or/Otherwise (अन्यथा)


*Run fast or  you will lose the race.

*Work hard otherwise you will fail.


Either-----or (या तो- या)


Either you or your brother has stolen my pen.


Neither---nor (न तो-न)


*Neither you nor Mohan is my friend.


But (किंतु/लेकिन)


*I called him but he did not come.


Yet (फिर भी)


*India is a country of multi resources yet she is poor.


Where as (जबकि)


*Gita is rich where as her friend is poor.


Therefore (इसलिये)


*Ram ran fast therefore he won the race.

राम तेज दौड़ा इसलिए दौड़ जीत गया।


For (क्योंकि)


*We shall die one day for man is mortal.

*She can easily qualify the exam for she is hard working.


अब हम Co-Ordinating Conjunction का अर्थ समझ चुके हैं।आइये इन्ही Conjunctions का प्रयोग करके दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को मिलाकर एक CompoundSentence बनाना सीखें।

1-Cumulative Conjunctions (and,both-and,as well as,not only--but also.) प्रयोग Synthesis में तब करें जब दिए गए sentence में एक तरह का भाव है। जैसे--

*Seprate-I went to market. I bought a pen.

Combined-I went to market and bought a pen.

*Separate-I invited Rohan.He came.

Combined-I invited Rohan and he came.

*Seprate-Ravi studies.  Geeta plays.

Combined-Ravi studies and Geeta plays.

Separate-He took my pen yesterday.He returned it today.

Combined-He took my pen yesterday and returned it today.

*Separate-He was marked absent.He was turned out of the class.

Combined-He was marked absent and turned out of the class.  या

He was marked absent as well as  turned out of the class. या

He was not only marked absent but also turned out of the class.

*Separate-Dr.Vivek Sharma is a good man.He is a good surgeon also.

Combined-Dr,Vivek Sharma is not only a good man but also a good surgeon.

*Seprate-A walk in the morning is useful.It is refreshing.

Combined-A walk in the morning is useful as well as refreshing.

*Separate-He was caught.He was jailed.

Combined-He was not only caught but also jailed.

*Seprate-He is intelligent.He is diligent.

Combined-He is both intelligent and diligent. या

He is intelligent as well as diligent. या

He is not only intelligent but also diligent.

*Separate-Kabirdas was a poet.He was a social-reformer.

Combined-Kabiradas was both a poet and social reformer.

Alternative Conjunctions--Or,either---or,neither-----nor, otherwise.

का प्रयोग उस समय करते हैं जब दिए गए sentence में choice का विकल्प हो।

*Separate-Work hard.You will fail.

Combined-Work hard or/otherwise you will fail.

*Separate-Make haste.We shall miss the train.

Combined-Make haste or/otherwise we shall miss the train.

*Separate-Come in time.Do not come at all.

Combined-Either come in time or do not come at all.

*Separate-You have stolen my book.Your friend has stolen my book.

Combined-Either you or your friend has stolen my book.

*Separate-I do not play hockey.I do not play cricket.

Combined-I play neither hockey nor cricket.

*Separate-He does not read.He does not write.

Combined-He neither reads nor write.

*Separate-I did not go to Mumbai.My father did not go to Mumbai.

Combined-Neither I nor my father went to Mumbai.

C-Adversative Conjunctions-yet,but,still, nevertheless,whereas,while.का प्रयोग उस समय करते हैं जब दिए गए Sentence में विरोधाभास का भाव हो।जैसे---

*Separate-He is lazy.He clever .

Combined-He is lazy but he is clever.

*Separate-He is poor.He is honest.

Combined-He is poor yet he is honest.

*Separate-He is Ill.He works hard.

Combined-He is I'll yet/still he works hard.

*Separate-Wise men show their faults.Fools avoid them.

बुद्धिमान लोग अपनी ग़लतियाँ दिखाते हैं।मूर्ख लोग उन्हें छिपाते है।

Combined-Wise men show their faults where as fools avoid them.

*Separate-Everything decays.Books survive.

Combined-Everything decays while books survive.

*Separate-Good boys work hard.Lazy boys waste their time.

Combined-Good boys work hard, while lazy boys waste their time.

D-Illative Conjunctions-so,therefore,for(क्योंकि),hence.    Conjunctions का प्रयोग तब करते हैं जब दिए गए वाक्यों में से एक कारण  और दूसरा परिणाम दर्शाता है।

*Separate-He was guilty.He was punished.

Combined-He was guilty so he was punished. या 

वह दोषी था इसलिए उसे दंडित किया गया।

He was punished for he was guilty.

उसे दंडित किया गया क्योंकि वह दोषी था।

Note-Reason वाला Sentence जब पहले रहे और परिणाम वाला बाद में तो So का प्रयोग होगा।लेकिन जब परिणाम वाला पहले और कारण वाला बाद में तो for(क्योंकि)का प्रयोग होगा।

*Separate-He left his studies.He had no money.

Combined-He had no money so/therefore/hence he left his studies. या

He left his studies for he has no money.

Rule-2-Relative Pronoun या Relative Adverb  का प्रयोग करके--जब Relative Pronoun या Relative Adverb का प्रयोग Continuative Sense में होता है तो Compound Sentence बन जाता है।जैसे--

*Separate-I met Harish.He gave me a book.

Combined-I met Harish who (=and he)gave me a book.

*Separate-I was expecting the milk man.He came soon.

Combined-I was expecting the milkman,who (=and he)came soon.

*Separate-He shot the bird. It flew away.

Combined-I shot the bird,which(=and it) flew away.

*Separate-We went to Calcutta last year.We stayed there for four days.

Combined-Last year we went to Kolkata.,where(=and there)we stayed for four days.

*Separate-I am going to Allahabad-I shall visit the Sangam.

Combined-I am going to Allahabad,where I shall visit the Sangam.

Note-इन वाक्यों में Relative Pronoun"Who" तथा Relative Adverb"Where"continuative Sense में प्रयोग किये गए हैं।यहाँ Who=and he; Where=and there हैं।इसी प्रकार which=and it या and they और When=and then होता है।


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