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Transformation-Interchange of of one Part of Speech with another

 Interchange of one Part of Speech with another


इस  टॉपिक के अंतर्गत हम उदाहरणों को करने से पहले कुछ शब्दों की सूची को देखेंगे की एक Part of Speech का दूसरे Part of Speech में  स्वरूप क्या होता है।

यहाँ संक्षेप में कुछ ऐसे Suffix  दिए जा रहे हैं कि जिनके प्रयोग से भिन्न-भिन्न Parts of Speech में परिवर्तन किया किया जा सकता है; जैसे-

1-Verb को Noun में बदलना-

(a)-al  का प्रयोग  करने से-

Verb              Noun








(b) -age का प्रयोग  करने से-

Verb                 Noun

Break                     Breakage

Carry                     Carriage

Pass                        Passage

Leak                       Leakage

Marry                     Marriage

Waste                    Wastage


(c) -ure का  प्रयोग करने से-

Verb                   Noun

Close                        Closur

Depart                     Departure

Mix                           Mixture

Please                       Pleasure

(d) -ry  का प्रयोग करने से-

 Verb               Noun

Enter                         entry

Discover                 Discovery

Deliver                    Delivery

Recover                  Recovery

(e) -ment का प्रयोग करने से-

 Verb                       Noun

Agree.                                 Agreement

Arrange                              Arrangement

Appoint                              Appointment

Develop                               Development

Employ                                Employment

Govern                                 Government


(f) -action/tion/ion का प्रयोग करने से-

Verb                  Noun

Admire                     Admiration

Examine              Examination

Inform                 Information

Prepare                 Preparation

Resign                 Resignation

Separate             Separation

Construct            Construction

Define                    Definition

Devote                  Devotion

Direct                    Direction

Decorate              Decoration

Educate               Education


(g) -ssion,sion  का प्रयोग करने से-

Verb.                  Noun

Admit                      Admission

Confuse                 Confusion

Permit                   Permission

Express                  Expression


(h) -ance का प्रयोग करने से-

Verb.                Noun

Appear                 Appearance

Assist                    Assistant

Attend                   Attendance

Enter                       Entrance

Endure                 Endurance

Perform                  Performance


(I) adjective को Noun में बदलकर-

(a)-ness  का प्रयोग करने से-

Adjective.       Noun

Bold                          Boldness

Bright                      Brightness

Clever                       Cleverness

Eager                         Eagerness

Firm                          Firmness

Fresh                        Freshnes

Hard                          Hardness

Heavy                        Heaviness


(b) -ity का प्रयोग करने से-

Adjective            Noun

Able                              Ability

Active                          Activity

Equal                           Equality

Fertile                           Fertility

Familiar                      Familiarity

Noble                           Nobility

Pure                             Purity

Possible                      Possibility


3-Noun को Adjective में बदलना-

(a) -Y का प्रयोग करने से-

Noun।              Adjective

Air                               airy

Ease                          Easy

Blood                         Bloody

Flower                      flowery

Hunger                     Hungary

Silver                          silvery

Storm                        stormy

Thirst                          thirsty


(b) -al का प्रयोग करने से-

Noun.            Adjective

Accident                   accidental

Condition                conditional

Nation                      National

Magic                       Magical

Navy                           Naval

Person                        Personal


(c) -able का प्रयोग करने से-

Noun                                      Adjective

Desire                                   Desirable

Favour                                   Favourable

Honour                                 Honourable

Memory                                Memorable


4-Adverb बनाना-

Adverb बनाने के लिए प्रायः -ly,-ward या wise जोड़ा जाता है; जैसे-

Noun                                       Adverb

Happy                                       Happily

Wise                                         Wisely

Possible                                  Possibly

Home                                      Homeward

Like                                        Likewise

Other                                      Otherwise


Interchange of one part of speech with another

(a)Noun को Verb में बदलकर-

*Noun-He got success in his efforts.

Verb-He succeeded in his efforts.

*Noun-Ram gave him advice.

Verb-Ram adviced him.

*Noun-He could not make a solution of the problem.

Verb-He could not solve the problem.

*Noun-The movie has given me amusement.

Verb-The movie has amused me.

*Noun-Put your signature on this paper.

Verb-Sign on this paper.

*Noun-He caused disappointment to me.

Verb-He disappointed me.

*Noun-We should give help to the needy.

Verb- We should help the needy.

*Noun-We had our lunch at 12:30.

Verb- We launched at 12:30.

*Noun- It put my life in danger.

Verb- It  dangered to my life.

*Noun- It will make your clothes white.

Verb-It will whiten your clothes.

*Noun-We take a bath everyday.

Verb-We bathe everyday.

*Noun- There is a great difference between you and your brother.

Verb-You differ greatly from your brother.

*Noun- He made a good collection of stamps.

Verb- He collected good stamps.


(b)Verb को Noun में बदलकर-

*Verb- He promised to help me.

Noun- He made a promise to help me.

*Verb- He refused all we proposed.

Noun- He refused all our proposal.

*Verb- He promised that he would come.

Noun- He made a promise that he would come.

*Verb- He advised me.

Noun-He gave me advice.

*Verb- He is bathing.

Noun-He is taking a bath

*Verb-He believes that his servant is innocent.

Noun- His belief is that his servant is innocent.


It is his belief that his servant is innocent.

*Verb-He attempted many times.

Noun-He made many attempts.

*Verb-The train arrives at 8 o'clock.

Noun-The arrival of the train is at 8 o'clock.

*Verb-He rejected all we proposed.

Noun-He rejected all our proposals.

*Verb-The book differs from that.

Noun-The book has difference from that.


(c) Noun को Adjective में बदलकर-

*Noun-He admitted his guilt.

Adjective-He admitted that he was guilty.

*Noun- Milk makes our body strong.

Adjective- Milk gives strength to our body.

*Noun- He passed his life in peace.

Verb- He passed a peaceful life.

*Noun- He is a man of courage.

Verb-He is a courageous man.

*Noun-He gave proof of his innocence.

Verb-He proved that he was innocent.

*Noun- India got freedom in 1947.

Verb- India  freed in 1947.

*Noun-His actions are proof of his kindness.

Verb-His actions prove that he is a kind man.


Adjective को Noun में बदलकर-

*Adjective-He was successful in his attempt.

Noun-He got success in his attempt.

*Adjective-Sumit is wealthy.

Noun-Sumit possesses wealth.


            Sumit has wealth.

*Adjective-The Sub inspector is powerful in this matter.

Noun-The sub inspector has power in this matter.

*Adjective- His efforts were successful.

Noun-He got success in his efforts.

*Adjective-Milk makes our body strong.

Noun- Milk gives strength to our body.

*Adjective-The scene was pleasant to me.

Noun- The scene gave me pleasure.

*Adjective-I could not attend the meeting because I was ill.

Noun- I could not attend the meeting due to illness.


Noun को Adverb में बदलकर-

*Noun-He  goes to Delhi every week.

Adverb- He goes to Delhi weekly.

*Noun- I clean my clothes with care.

Adverb- I clean my clothes carefully.

*Noun- He examined my answer book with care.

Adverb-He examined my answer book carefully.

*Noun-The sailor faced all the difficulties with patience.

Adverb-The sailor faced all the difficulties patiently.

*Noun-The man died in peace.

Adverb-The man died peacefully.

*Noun-I read my book with attention.

Adverb-I read my book attentively.

*Noun-He faced the situation with courage.

Adverb-He faced the situation courageously.

*Noun-Young children should be handled with care.

Adverb-Young children should be handled carefully.


Adverb को Noun में बदलकर-

*Adverb- Do this work carefully.

Noun- Do this work with care.

*Adverb-He spoke to me angrily.

Noun-He spoke to me in anger.

*Adverb-He examined my papers carefully.

Noun-He examined my papers with care.

*Adverb-I waited for my friend patiently.

Noun-I waited for my friend with patience.


Adjective को Adverb में बदलकर-

*Adjective-He put up a brave fight.

Adverb-He fought bravely.

*Adjective-He was attentive in reading the book.

Adverb-He was reading the book attentively.

*Adjective-He is my faithful servant.

Adverb-My servant works faithfully.

*Adjective-He was glad in doing it.

Adverb-He did it gladly.

*Adjective-The woman cried in a pathetic manner.

Adverb-The woman cried pathetically.

*Adjective-It was fortunate that my brother was not injured.

Adverb-Fortunately, my brother was not injured.

*Adjective-Rana Pratap was brave in fighting.

Adverb-Rana Pratap fought bravely.


Adverb को Adjective में बदलकर-

*Adverb- The hunter successfully killed the tiger.

Adjective- The hunter was successful in killing the tiger.

* Adverb-My friend does his work very carefully.

Adjective-My friend is very careful in doing his work.

*Adverb-He must come here regularly.

Adjective-He must be regular in coming here.

*Adverb-You should do your work quickly.

Adjective-You should be quick in doing your work.

*Adverb-The lion attacked the man wildly.

Adjective-The lion made a wild attack on the man.

*Adverb-The thief narrowly escaped.

Adjective-The thief had a narrow escape.

*Adverb-He answered all the questions correctly.

Adjective-His all answers were correct.


He gave correct answers of all the questions.


Adjective को verb में बदलकर-

*Adjective-He heard the pleasant news yesterday. 

Verb-The news pleased  him yesterday.

*Adjective-The hard-working people will be successful.

Verb-The hard working people will succeed.

*Adjective-The honest person will be prosperous.

Verb-The honest will prosper.

*Adjective-Drinking is injurious to health.

Verb-Drinking injures health.


Verb को Adjective में बदलकर-

*Verb-He did not intend to harm you.

Adjective-It was not intentional that he harmed you.


It was not intentional to harm you.

*Verb-He always obeys his elders.

Adjective-He is always obedient to his elders.

*Verb-The Indian culture differs from the western culture.

Adjective-The Indian culture is different from the western culture.

*Verb-This horrible scene troubled me.

Adjective-The horrible scene is troublesome to me.


Verb को Adverb में बदलकर-

*Verb-The hunter succeeded in killing the tiger.

Adjective-The hunter killed the tiger successfully.

*Verb-The cat appeared to be afraid.

Adjective-The cat was apparently afraid.

*Verb-I forced him to go out.

Adjective-I turned him out forcibly.


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