Transformation of compound sentences into complex sentences
Transformation of compound sentences into complex sentences
Compound Sentence को Complex Sentence बनाने के लिए Co-Ordinate Clause को Principal Clause बना देते हैं तथा Principal Clause को Sub-Ordinate Clause में बदल देते हैं क्योंकि Complex Sentence में एक Principal Clause तथा एक या एक से अधिक Sub-Ordinate Clause होती है।
1-Compound Sentence में एक Principal Clause तथा एक या एक से अधिक Co-Ordinate Clause होती है जो किसी न किसी Co-Ordinating Conjuntions से जुड़ी होती है। जिसमें चार प्रकार के Conjunctions प्रयोग होते हैं:
1- Cumulative Conjunctions (दो कथनों को जोड़ने वाले संयोजक)-(and,as well as,not only.......But also,both.......And )
2- Alternative
Conjunctions( दो कथनों के बीच विकल्प स्पष्ट करने वाले संयोजक)-(Or,either.....or,neither......nor,
3- Adversative Conjunctions( दो कथनों में विरोध व्यक्त करने वाले संयोजक)-Yet(फिर भी),but(लेकिन),still(फिर भी)
(4) Illative conjunctions ( कार्य का परिणाम प्रकट करने वाले संयोजक)-so(इसलिए), therefore(इसलिए), for(क्योंकि),thus(इस प्रकार)
2-Complex Sentence में एक Principal Clause तथा एक या एक से अधिक Sub-Ordinate Clause होती है जो कीड़ी न किसी Sub-Ordinating Conjunctions से जुड़ी होती है।
Sub-Ordinate Clause तीन प्रकार का होता है:
1-Noun Clause 2-Adjective Clause 3-Adverb Clause
Noun Clause में प्रयोग होने वाले Conjunctions
That(कि), If/Whether, Who(की कौन या कि किसने), What(कि क्या/जो कुछ), Whom(कि किसको), Whose-कि किसका), When(कि कब), Where(कि कहाँ), Why(कि क्यों), How(कि कैसे), How many(कि कितना-संख्या के लिए),
How much(कि कितना-मात्रा के लिए)
Adjective Clause में प्रयोग होने वाले Conjunctions
*Who (जो, जिसने)- मनुष्य के लिए(Subjective में
*Which(जो,जिसने)-वस्तु के लिए(Subjective Case में)
*Whom(जिसे,जिसको)-व्यक्ति के लिए(Objective Case में)
*Whose(जिसका)-सजीव व निर्जीव दोनों के लिए(Possessive Case में)
*That(जो,जिसे)-1 जब Antecedent all, any, none, only,nothing, abstract noun, Superlative degree हो।
2-who और what आदि interrogative pronouns के बाद,दो Antecedent के पश्चात जब उनमें से एक व्यक्ति को तथा दूसरा किसी जानवर या वस्तु को इंगित करता हो।
*When-जब(समय के लिए)
*Where-जहाँ(स्थान के लिए)
*Why-जिस कारण(कारण के लिए)
*How-जिस तरीके से(Manner व Method के लिए)
Adverb Clause में प्रयुक्त होने वाले Conjunctions निम्न प्रकार हैं--As long as(जब तक कि),When(जब),While(जबकि),till(तक),because(क्योंकि),untill(तक नहीं)as soon as(ज्यों ही),so that(ताकि),Lest(कहीं ऐसा न हो)although(यद्यपि),though(यद्यपि),so........that(इतना........ कि)than(अपेक्षा),as(जैसा कि),if(यदि), Unless(यदि नहीं),Wherever (जहाँ कही भी),since,while,whenever(जब भी),No sooner(ज्यों ही),Where(जहाँ),as....... as(इतना--उतना-Affirmative Sentence में),so........ as(उतना---जितना-Negative Sentence में)
Compound-Work hard and you will get first class.
Complex-If you work, hard you will get first class.
इस उदाहरण में Work hard-Principal Clause और and you will get first class-Co-Ordinate Clause है, अतः यह compound Sentence है जबकि If you work hard-Sub-Ordinate Clause तथा You will get first class-Principal Clause है अतः यह Complex Sentence है।
Compound-Get out from the class or you will be punished.
Complex-If you do not get out from the class you will be punished.
*Compound-He worked hard but failed.
Complex-Although he worked hard, he failed.
*Compound-He finished his work and went to his house.
Complex-When he finished his work he went to his house.
*Compound-Speak the truth and you need not fear.
Complex-If you speak the truth, you need not fear.
*Compound-Hari ran to the station but he missed the train.
Complex-Although Hari ran to the station, he missed the train.
*Compound-He is weak therefore he can not walk.
Complex-He cannot walk as he is weak.
*Compound-Ravi is a rich man but he is not honest.
Complex-Ravi is not honest although he is a rich man.
*Compound-Learn your lesson and you will pass.
Complex-If you learn your lesson, you will pass.
*Compound-Laugh and the world will laugh with you.
Complex-If you laugh, the world will laugh with you.
*Compound-Work hard and you can win the first prize.
Complex-If you work hard you can win the first prize.
*Compound-Leave this room or you will be turned out.
Complex-Unless you leave the room, you will be turned out.
If you do not leave the room you will be turned out.
*Compound-Do or die.
Complex-Unless you do you will die.
*Compound-He worked hard so he succeeded.
Complex-He succeeded because he worked hard.
*Compound-We shall die one day for man is mortal.
Complex-We shall die one day because man is mortal.
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