
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Ailing Planet : the Green Movement's Role Short and long answer type questions

  The Ailing Planet : the Green Movement's Role Short answer type questions Q.1 . What is the Green Movement ?  हरित आंदोलन क्या है ?  Ans . The green movement is a social movement . It concerns for environmental conservation and improvements to the current health of the environment .  हरित आंदोलन एक सामाजिक आंदोलन है । यह पर्यावरण संरक्षण और पर्यावरण के मौजूदा स्वास्थ्य में सुधार के बारे में चिंता करता है ।  Q.2 . When was the ' Green Movement '               started ?  हरित आंदोलन कब आरम्भ हुआ ?  Ans . It was started in 1972. The world's first nationwide Green Party was founded in New Zealand . Since then , the movement has not looked back .  यह 1972 में आरम्भ हुआ । संसार का पहला राष्ट्रव्यापी हरित - दल न्यूजीलैण्ड में स्थापित किया गया । तब से इस आंदोलन ने पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखा ।  Q.3 . What do you mean by ' a holistic and ecological view of the world ?  संसार के प्रति ' समग्र और पारिस्थिक दृष्टि...

Forest Conservation Or Importance of Forests or Forest Conservation

  Forest Conservation                                                                       Or                                                                       Importance of Forests   Introduction - The word 'Forest' is derived from the Latin word 'Fores' which means 'outside'. Thus, it must have alway referred to a village outskirt or fence or boundary which must have included all cultivated as well as uncultivated land. Various types of forests are found in India. Today, of course, forests refer to vast areas of land covered with thick vegetation, trees and animale dwelling within.  The Forest of India- Owing ...

Essay-Technical Education

  Technical Education    Introduction  -Education is important for the growth of any country . It takes a long time to make a nation into a developed country . This cannot be achieved without education . “ When you know better , you do better " is a famous quote therefore . India is witnessing the age of science and technology . There is a huge demand for technical education in modern age .  What is Technical Education ? - Technical education is different from the education we understand in ordinary sense . It means teaching and learning about the use of machinery from colleges and technical institutes . In other words , it is a process of acquiring practical skills on various works . Vocational training is a simple example of technical education . Technical education is rather a modern form of education . It emerged with the development of industries , transport and communication of the modern time .   Importance Importance of Technical Education- There ar...

Landscape of the Soul (Written by-Nathalie Trouveroy)

  Landscape of the Soul Short Answer Type Questions   Q.1 . What did the Emperor say about the painting ?                                                                      ( शहंशाह ने पेटिंग के विषय में क्या कहा ? )  Ans . For a long while , the Emperor admired the wonderful  painting and its scene , discovering forests , high mountains , waterfalls , clouds floating in an immense sky , men on hilly paths , birds in  flight . In total , the Emperor was extremely happy with the work of the painter .                                           ( लम्बे समय के लिए शहंशाह आश्चर्यचकित कर देने वाली पेंटिंग और उसके दृश्य , खोजी जंगलों , ऊँचे पर्वतों , पानी के झरनों , विशाल आकाश में तै...