Synthesis-Use Of Adverb And Adverbial Phrase

   Adverb या Adverbial Phrase दोनो का अर्थ एक ही होता है।केवल इनके शारीरिक बनावट में अंतर होता है।Adverb साधरणतया ly का प्रयोग करके बनता है।यदि एक वाक्य के कुछ शब्द मिलकर adverb का कार्य करते हैं तब उसे adverbial phrase कहते हैं।यह बिधि तब प्रयोग में लायी जाती है जब दोनों वाक्यों में से कोई एक वाक्य दूसरे वाक्य की मुख्य क्रिया की विशेषता प्रकट करता है।जो वाक्य विशेषता प्रकट करता है उसे adverb या adverbial phrase कहते हैं। जैसे-
1-Rohan went to college.He was punctual.
 यहाँ दूसरे वाक्य का punctual शब्द पहले वाक्य के क्रिया की विशेषता बताता है।अतः punctual शब्द को adverb में बदलकर दोनो वाक्यों को मिलाकर इस प्रकार लिख सकते हैं:
Rohan went to college punctually.
Example 2-
Seprate-He finished the work .It took him in no time.
यहाँ दूसरा वाक्य पहले वाक्य की क्रिया finished  की विशेषता बता रहा है।इसको adverbial phrase "in no time"में बदलकर दोनो वाक्यों को मिलाकर इस प्रकार लिख सकते हैं।
Combined-He finished the work in no time.

नीचे कुछ शब्द है जिन्हें हम Adverb या Adverbial Phrase दोनो में लिख सकते हैं।

Adverb             Adverbial Phrase

Hurriedly         In a hurry जल्दी में
Carefully         With care सावधानी से
Carelessly        Without care लापरवाही से
There               At that place उस स्थान पर
Beautifully     in a beautiful manner अच्छे  ढंग से

Note-Adverbial Phrase प्रायः दिए गये sentence में से किसी न किसी एक  sentence में रहता है जबकि adverb दिया नहीं रहता है।इसे उन वाक्यों में आये हुए adjective से बना देते हैं।प्रायः जब किसी adjective में ly जोड़ देते हैं तो वह adjective से adverb हो जाता है। जैसे-

Adjective             Adverb 

Beautiful+ly              Beautifully
Careful+ly                  Carefully
Punctual+ly               Punctually
Brave +ly                    Bravely
Unfortunate+ly         Unfortunately
Happy+ly                    Happily
Slow+ly                        Slowly

Adverb या Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग कब व कैसे करें-

जब दिए गए sentence में से कोई एक sentence दूसरे sentence के finite verb की विशेषता बताये तो, विशेषता बताने वाले sentence को adverb या adverbial phrase में बदलकर दूसरे वाक्य में जोड़ देते हैं

1-Seprate-She wrote a letter.She wrote it in a hurry.
Combined-She wrote a letter hurriedly.
                  She wrote a letter in a hurry.
2-Seprate-The school bus arrived.It was punctual.
Combined-The school bus arrived punctually.
3-Seprate-The Prime Minister spoke.He spoke for a few minute.
Combined-The Prime Minister spoke for a few minute.
4-Seprate-Complete this work.It should not be delayed.
Combined-Complete this work without delay.
5-Seprate-Rana Pratap was the glory of Mewar.There is no doubt about it.
Combined-Rana Pratap was undoubtedly the glory of Mewar.
6-Seprate-The student read the book.He read it in a hurry.
Combined-The student read the book hurriedly.
The student read the book in a hurry.
7-Seprate-The tree was cut down. The cutting down was slow.
Combined-The tree was cut down slowly.
8-Govind played cricket.He played happily.
Combined-Govind played cricket happily.
9-Seprate-Vivek did his work.He was not careful about it.
Combined-Vivek did his work carelessly.
10-Seprate-The sun set.The boys had not completed the work
Combined-The boys had not completed the work by sun set.
11-Seprate-Mohan is a bad boy.This is certain.
Combined-Certainly, Mohan is a bad boy.
12-Seprate-He spent all his money.This was foolish.
Combined-He spent all his money foolishly.
13-Seprate-I thanked him .I did it with all my heart.
Combined-I thanked him with all my heart. 
I thanked him heartedly.
14-Seprate-The river was flowing.It's flow was slow.
Combined-The river was flowing slowly.
15-Seprate-He loves me . His love is deep
Combined-He loves me deeply.
16-Seprate-Great people serve their country.Their service is selfless.
Combined-Great people serve their                                 country selflessly.
17-Seprate-Rahul came tired in the competition.He was unlucky.
Combined-Unluckily Rahul came tired in the competition.
18-Seprate-Radha performs her duty.She is obedient.
Combined-Radha performs her duty obediently.



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