Synthesis-Formation Of Complex Sentences(use of Noun Clause

 दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को मिलाकर एक Complex Sentence बनाना

Complex Sentence में एक Principal Clause(मुख्य उपवाक्य) तथा शेष(एक या एक से अधिक Sub-ordinate(आश्रित उपवाक्य)होते हैं।इसलिए दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को मिलाकर एक Complex Sentence बनाते समय यह आवश्यक है कि दिए हुए Simple Sentence में से एक को Principal Clause तथा शेष को Subordinate Clause में बदलना चाहिए।Subordinate Clause अपने अर्थ के लिए Principal Clause पर आश्रित होता है

Subordinate Clause तीन प्रकार के होते हैं-

1-Noun Clause  2-Adjective Clause  3-Adverb Clause

ये तीनों clause सदैव किसी न किसी Subordinate Cinjunction से शुरू होते हैं अतः सर्वप्रथम हम Noun Clause व उससे संबंधित Conjunction का अध्ययन करेंगे।

Noun Clause में प्रयोग होने वाले Conjuction


If/Whether................ कि क्या

Who..............कि कौन/कि किसने/कि कौन

What...............कि क्या/जो कुछ

Whom...................कि किसको

Whose........................ कि किसका

When...............................कि कब

Where...........…..............कि कहाँ

Why................................ की क्यों

How.......................... की कैसे

How many.............. की कितना(संख्या के लिए)

How Much--------------कि कितना(परिमाण के लिए)

1-That--इसका प्रयोग हम उस  समय करते हैं जब दिए गए वाक्यों में से किसी एक वाक्य में कोई तथ्य(fact), राय(Opinion), विश्वास(belief), आशा(hope) हो तथा दूसरे वाक्य में इन्हें या तो स्वीकार या अस्वीकार किया गया हो।


2- एक वाक्य में कही गई बात को दूसरे वाक्य में और स्पष्ट किया गया हो तो दूसरे वाक्य को ही हम Noun Clause बनाते हैं।


 (3)जब दिए गए वाक्यों में से किसी एक वाक्य के अंत(it/so/that/this)  हो तो यह वाक्य प्रायः Principal Clause बनता है और इन शब्दों को हटाकर इनके स्थान पर that लिख देते हैं तथा दूसरे वाक्य को आगे जोड़ कर लिख देते हैं।

(4) जब सभी वाक्य Assertive  में हो तो वहां that के प्रयोग होने की पूरी संभावना बनती है जैसे-

1- Seprate-your father will soon recover. We hope so.

Combined- we hope that your father will soon recover.

2-Seprate-He will help me.We expect it.

Combined-We except that he will help me.

3-Rhan is a good boy.It is my opinion.

Combined-It is my opinion that Rohan is a good boy.


My opinion is that Rohan is a good boy.

4-Seprate-He is going to study.I am sure of it.

Combined-I am sure that he is going to study.

5-Seprate- you have spoken wrong. I believe so.

Combined- I believe that you have spoken wrong

6-Seprate- honesty is the best policy. It is known to all. 

Combined-It is known to all that honesty is the best policy.


That honesty is the best policy is known to all.

7-Seprate-He will succeed.We hope so.

Combined-We hope that he will succeed.

8-Seprate-Gandhi ji was shot dead.The news spread all over the country like a wild fire.

Combined-The news that Gandhi ji was shot dead,spread all over the country like a wild fire.

 इस उदाहरण में Noun Clause  वाक्य के बीच में आ गया है क्योंकि यह अपने पहले आए हुए that शब्द की व्याख्या कर रहा है।

इसमें कह रहा है कि The news(वह समाचार)लेकिन समाचार क्या है?---समाचार यह है कि Gandhi ji was shot dead(गांधी जी को गोली मार दी गयी)।इसीलिए Noun Clause को The news के बगल में रखा गया है।

9-Seprate-You are very honest.It is known to all.

Combined- That you are very honest,is known to all.


It is known to all that you are very honest.

What--जब एक Sentence के अंत मे Something आया हो और दूसरे वाक्य के अंत में(on it/to it/in it/to that)आया हो तो इस तरह के वाक्यों को प्रायः What(जो कुछ)से जोड़ते हैं और इस समय What का अर्थ"जो कुछ"होता है।(on it/in it/to it/to that)वाले sentence को Principal Clause बना देते हैं तथा prepisition(on, to)को छोड़कर उसके साथ आये हुए शब्द के स्थान पर what लगाकर दूसरे पूरे वाक्य में से something को निकालकर शेष को उसी प्रकार लिख देते हैं।

10-Seprate-Ravi says something.You do not believe in it.

Combined-You do not believe what Ravi says.

11-Seprate-My friend said something.I do not agree to it

Combined-I do not agree what my friend said.

12-Seprate-I say something.Pay attention to it.

Combined-Pay attention to What I say

12-Seprate-I told you that yesterday.You must rely on it.

Combined-You must rely on what I told you yesterday.

13-Seprate-It is true.It can not be untrue

Combined-What is true can not be untrue.

14-Seprate-The speaker addresses the public.Listen to him.

Combined-Listen to what the speaker addresses.

Rule-जब दिए गए sentence में से एक Assertive हो और दूसरा हेल्पिंग वर्ब की सहायता से बनाने वाला Interrogative Sentence हो तो इसे प्रायः if/whether से जोड़ते हैं।


Assertive+interrogative(H.V.की सहायता से)=Assertive+if/whether+interrogative का Assertive


15-Seprate-I do not know.Will he help?

Combined-I do not know if/whether he will come.

16-Seprate-I can not say? Will he speak the truth?

Combined-I can not say if/whether he will speak the truth.

Note-जब विकल्प का भाव प्रकट हो तब भी if/whether का प्रयोग हो सकता है।जैसे-

17-Seprate-He may be innocent.I do not know.

Combined-I do not know if/whether he is innocent.


Rule-Assertive+interrogative (W.H.word se)=Assertive+Assertive


18-Seprate-No body knows it.Where does he live?

Combined-No body knows where he lives.

19-Seprate-No body knows it.Where did he go?

Combined-No body knows where he went.

Note-Sentence का Structure इस तरह भी हो सकता है-

20-Seprate-He has gone somewhere.I do not know it.

Combined-I do not know where he has gone.


Imperative+interrogative (W.H.Word से)=imperative+Assertive


21-Seprate-Tell me.Where have you put my watch?

Combined-Tell me where you have put my book.

22-Seprate-Tell me.Where is she?

Combined-Tell me where she is.


Rule- [Interrogative (H.V. से)+interrogative (W.H. word से)=interrigative+Assertive (W.H. वाले वाक्य का)----?]


23-Seprate-Can you tell me?.How have you done this work?

Combined-Can you tell me how you have solved this question.?

24-Seprate-Can you tell me? Who wrote the Ram Charit Manas?

Combined-Can you tell me who write the Ram Charit Manas?

Some more examples---

25-Seprate-What do your elders say? Listen to it.

Combined-Listen to what your elders say.

26-Seprate-You will not do your work.That is the mistake.

Combined-The mistake is that you will not do your work.

27-Seprate-There was a rumour.It was about his arrest.It was false.

Combined-The rumour that he was arrested was false.

28-Seprate-Has he returned from America.I do not know.

Combined-I do not know if/whether he has returned from America.

29-Seprate-Someone has stolen my pen.I do not know.

Combined-I do not know who has stolen my pen.

30-Seprate-Your teacher says something.Pay attention to it.

Combined-Pay attention to what your teacher say.

31-Seprate-The dacoits have robbed this village.The news is true.

Combined-The news is that the dacoits have robbed this village.

32-Seprate-I shall give you a book.She said this to me.

Combined-She told me that she would give me a book.

Example 32  में shall, would में  change किया गया है क्योंकि यहाँ Narration का rule लगेगा।क्योंकि told, past tense में है इसलिए  subordinate clause के वाक्य का tense भी past tense में रहेगा।


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