Synthesis-Formation Of Complex Sentence(Using Adjective Clause)
Adjective Clause
1-Adjective Clause वाक्य में Adjective का कार्य करता है तथा यह Relative Pronoun (Who,Whom, Whose,Which और What) व Relative Adverbs(When,Why,How) से शुरू होता है।Adjective Clause में सभी Conjuction की अंग्रेजी (ज)से शुरु होती है।यह भी अपने अर्थ को पूरा करने के लिए Principal Clause पर निर्भर करता है।
2-यदि एक वाक्य के अंतर्गत आये हुए Noun या pronoun के लिए दूसरे वाक्य में कोई बात कही गई है तो दुसरे वाक्य को Adjective Clause बना देते हैं।
3-Adjective Clause --Adjective अथवा विशेषण का कार्य करता है।अतः इसे उस व्यक्ति या वस्तु के बगल में रखते हैं जिस व्यक्ति या वस्तु की यह विशेषता बताता है और उस व्यक्ति त वस्तु को उसके बाद प्रयोग होने वाले conjuction का Antecedent कहा जाता हैं जो singular या Plural दोनों हो सकता है।
Who=जो(व्यक्ति के लिए)
1-Seprate-Rakesh is a good boy.He belongs to a good family.
Combined-Ramesh is a good boy who belongs to a good family.
Ramesh who is a good boy belongs to a good family.
(दोनों examples सही है क्योंकि Ram और Boy दोनों एक ही हैं। बोल्ड अक्षर में लिखा हुआ (1)-Who belongs to a good family( 2)-Who is a good boy,दोनों को अपने Antecedent -Ram और Boy के पास रख गया है क्योंकी ये दोनों clause Ram और boy की विशेषता बात रहे हैं।)
2-Seprate-The man was caught.He stole my purse.
Combined-The man who stole my purse was caught.
Note-इसमें The man was caught,एक Principal Clause है और Who stole my purse एक Sub-Ordinate Clause है।इस Sentence में Sub-Ordinate Clause,Principal Clause के बीच में है और The man के पास है क्योंकी यह The man की विशेषता बता रहा है।Adjective Clause को उस noun के पास रखते हैं जीसकी वह विशेषता बताता है।
3-Seprate-The boy was caught red handed.He was copying.
Combined-The boy who was copying was caught red handed.
4-Seprate-Lucy lived in the forest.Wordsworth loved her.
Combined-Wordsworth loved Lucy who lived in the forest.
4-A man came to me yesterday.He was a teacher.
Combined-A man who is a teacher came to me yesterday.
Which=(जो)का प्रयोग वस्तु व जानवर दोंनो लिये होता है।
4-Seprate-I have a watch.The watch gives correct time.
Combined-I have a watch which gives correct time.
4-Seprate-I gave him a camera.The camera was very cheap.
Combined-I gave him a camera which was very cheap.
5-Seprate-I purchased a pen.The pen is very costly.
Combined-I purchased a pen which is very costly.
6-Seprate-I go to school on bicycle.The bicycle is second-hand.
Combined-I go to school on bicycle which is second-hand.
7-Seprate-Ram bought a book.It was interesting.
Combined-Ram bought a book which was very interesting.
Whom-जिसे/जिसको(व्यक्ति के लिए)--
8-Seprate-I know the girl. You teach him.
Combined-I know the girl whom you teach.
9-Seprate-I caught a thief.Police freed him.
Combined-Police freed the thief whom I caught.
10-Seprate-A begger came to my home.I gave him some money
Combined-A begger came to my home whom I gave some money.
Whose-जिसे/जिसका (संबंध में-Possessive Case में लगता है।
11-Seprate-This is the man.His father died yesterday.
Combined-This is the man whose father died yesterday.
12-Seprate-Do you recognise the man?His mansion was so huge and expensive.
Combined-Do you recognise the man whose mansoon was so huge and expensive.
13-Seprate-A new boy cam ofe to my school yesterday.His pen was very costly.
Combined-A new boy whose pen was very costly came to my office yesterday.
Where=जहाँ(स्थान के लिए)-
14-Seprate-This is the village.Bhagat Singh was born here.
Combined-This is the village where Bhagat Singh was born.
15-Seprate-You have put my shoes at a place.Show me the place.
Combined-Show me the place where you have put my shoes.
16-Seprate-Yesterday you went somewhere.Show me the place.
Combined-Show me the place where you went yesterday.
17-Seprate-This is the school.I was taught here in my childhood.
Combined-This is the school where I was taught in my childhood.
18-I work in a office.This is the office.
Combined-This is the office where I work.
When=जब(समय के लिए)
19-Seprate-My father will come from the city.I do not know the time.
I do not know the time when my father will come from the city.
20-Seprate-The peon was sleeping.I came to office.
Combined-The peon was sleeping when I came to office.
21-Seprate-I was reading.My father came to my room.
Combined-I was reading when my father came to my room.
Why=जिस कारण से
22-Seprate-You are looking sad. Can you tell me the reason.
Combined-Can you tell me the reason why are you looking sad.
23-Seprate-He was weeping for some reason.Nobody knew the reason.
Combined-Nobody knew the reason why he was weeping.
24-Seprate-They threw the bags.I do not know the reason.
Combined-I do not know the reason why they threw the bag.
How=जिस प्रकार
25-You got first division.Can you tell me the method?
Combined-Can you tell me the method how you got first division.
26-Seprate-The question is solved in this way.I taught him the way
Combined-I taught him the way how the question is solved.
27-Seprate-Some people smoke in public.Avoid their company.
Combined-Avoid such people as smoke in public.
28-Some students insult their teachers.Avoid them
Combined-Avoid such students as insult their teachers.
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