Synthesis(Simple Sentence)use of Conjunction"And"
Conjunction का प्रयोग करके दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentence को मिलाकर एक Simple Sentence बनाना-
Conjunction तो कई प्रकार के होते हैं लेकिन "And" ही ऐसा Conjuction है जिससे हम simple Sentence बना सकते हैं।
नोट-वैसे तो And से Compound Sentence बनता है लेकिन जब यह दो शब्दों या Phrases को जोड़े तो इससे Simple Sentence बनता है। जैसे-
1-Seprate- I want to buy a bat.I want to buy a ball also.
Combined-I want to buy a bat and a ball.
2-Seprate-Rohan went to Kanpur.Govind also went with Rohan.
Combined-Rohan and Govind went to Kanpur.
3-Seprate-I saw a footballer.I saw a cricketer also.
Combined-I saw a footballer and a cricketer.
4-Seprate-I saw the Kutubminar.I saw the Red-fort also.
Combined-I saw the Kutubminar and the Red-fort
5-Seprate-Ravi went to Kushinagar.Rakesh also went with Ravi.
Combined-Ravi and Rakesh went to Kushinagar together.
Note-जब And द्वारा दो से अधिक शब्दों को जोड़ना हो तो शुरु के शब्दों को Comma(,)से अलग कर देते हैं।जैसे-
6-Seprate-I take butter.I take milk.I take sweet also.
Combined-I take butter,milk and sweet.
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