Synthesis(Use Of Adjective)

 Adjective का प्रयोग करके-

जब दोनों वाक्यों में से किसी एक वाक्य में ऐसे विशेषण का प्रयोग किया गया है, जो दूसरे वाक्य में किसी संज्ञा की विशेषता प्रकट करता हो तो उस विशेषण को मुख्य रूप से Noun के पास रखकर Simple Sentence बनाते हैं जैसे-

1-Seprate-  I Bought a pen.It was cheap.

यहाँ एक वाक्य में एक Adjective(Cheap)आया है जो पहले वाक्य में आये हुए Noun(a pen) की विशेषता बता रहा है।इसलिये Synthesis करने के दौरान इस cheap को pen के साथ लगा देंगे।
Combined-   I bought a cheap pen.

2-Seprate- A man came to me. He was wise.
Combined-A wise man came to me.

3-Seprate-The Principal fined a boy.The boy was naughty.
Combined-The Principal fined a naughty boy.

4-Seprate-I bought a shirt.It is very beautiful
Combined-I bought a very beautiful shirt.

5-Seprate-A man came to my office.He was blind
Combined-A blind man came to my office.

6-Seprate-Rohan gave some money to a boy. The boy was lame.
Combined-Rohan gave some money to a lame boy.

7-Seprate-The police caught a thief.The thief was very notorious.
Combined-The police caught a very notorious thief.

8-Seprate-A tiger was hungry.He killed a Bullock.The Bullock was  hefty.
-यहाँ tiger की विशेषता hungry व bullock की विशेषता hefty बता रहा है।
Combined- A tiger killed a hefty bullock.

9-Seprate-The principal punished a boy.The boy was naughty.
Combined-The principal punished a naughty boy.

10-Seprate-I bought a pen.It is very beautiful.I bought it last month. I bought it from Mr.Sharma.I bought it for four hundred rupees.

Combined-I bought a beautiful pen for four hundred rupees from Mr.Sharma last month.

11-Seprate-He has to support his family.His family is very large.
Combined-He has to support his large family.

12-Seprate-He saw a lion. The lion was very furious.
Combined-He saw a very furious lion.

13-Seprate-The police caught a terrorist.He was young.
Combined-The police caught a young terrorist.

14-Seprate-Some people kidnapped a child.He was seven years old.
Combined-Some people kidnapped a seven years old child.

Note-Adjective Phrase का भी प्रयोग हो सकता है।Adjective Phrase भी adjective का ही कार्य करता है बस उसमें एक से अधिक शब्द होते हैं जैसे-

15-Seprate-There is a book on the table.It is the Ramayan.

Combined-The book on the table is Ramayan.

(On the table-Adjective Phrase है।)
16-Seprate-There is a pen in the pocket.It is made of steel.

Combined-The pen in the pocket is made of steel.

(is made of steel---Adjective Phrase है।


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