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Transformation-Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences

 A-Affirmative Sentence को Negative Sentence में बदलना-


Rule 1-विलोम शब्दों से पूर्व not लगाकर Affirmative Sentence से Negative Sentence बनते हैं।जैसे-

Affirmative-The question is difficult.

Negative-The question is not easy.

Affirmative-We will always love our parents.

Negative-We will never hate our parents.

Affirmative-The river is deep here.

Negative-The river is not shallow here.

Affirmative-I shall always remember you.

Negative-I shall never forget you.

Affirmative-Roshani is a beautiful girl.

Negative-Roshani is not an ugly girl.

Affirmative-My brother loves drinking.

Negative-My brother does not hate drinking.

Affirmative-I was doubtful whether he went there.

 Negative-  I was not sure whether he went there.

Rule 2-Degrees of Comparison को बदलकर-- यदि Comparative Degree वाक्य Affirmative में है तो Negative बनाने के लिये Positive Degree में not का प्रयोग करते हैं।जैसे-

(1)as---as(उतना-जितना-Affirmative Sentence में प्रयोग होता है)

(2)So---as(उतना-जितना-Negative Sentence में प्रयोग होता है।

Note-इन दोंनो के साथ आया हुआ Adjective अपने Positive Degree form में होता है।अगर वाक्य में ये Pair में आये तो इन्हें निम्न प्रकार Negative में परिवर्तित करते हैं-

-अगर वाक्य में as---as का प्रयोग हो जैसे-

Affirmative-Sonali is as wise as Savita.

यहाँ पर Sonali(Subject 1)तथा Savita(Subject 2) के बीच तुलना की गई है अतः इसका Negative इस प्रकार होगा-


Subject 2+Verb+Not+C.D.of Adjective+Than+Subject 1


Negative-Savita is not wiser than Sonali.

Affirmative-Your brother is as strong as you.

Negative-You are not stronger than your brother.

*यदि दिया गया वाक्य Affirmative में हो और उसमें Comparative Degree का प्रयोग हुआ हो तो इसे निम्न प्रकार Negative में बदलते हैं-


Subject 2+Verb+Not+So+Positive Degree of Adj+as+Subject 1


Affirmative-Ram is wiser than Mohan.

Negative-Mohan is not so wise as Ram.

Affirmative-You are taller than I.

Negative-I am not so tall as you.

Affirmative-She is more beautiful than I.

Negative-I am not so beautiful as she.

Rule 3-जिन वाक्यों में alone या only शब्द आये हो तो उन्हें हटाकर वाक्य के प्रारंभ में None but ले आते हैं।जैसे-

Affirmative-Only a tactful businessman can earn a lot of money.

Negative-None but a tactful businessman can earn a lot of money.

Affirmative-Ravi alone got the prize.

Negative-None but Ravi got the prize.

Affirmative-Only a fool could have done it.

Negative-None but a fool could have done it.

Affirmative-Only good students get good marks.

Negative-None but good students get good marks.

Rule-4- अगर वाक्य का रूप ये हो(S+V+Too+Adj+Infinitive)तो

'too' को so-----that-----can not/could not में बदलकर।जैसे-

Affirmative-He is too weak to walk.

Negative-He is so weak that he can not walk.

(S+Verb+So+Adj+that+Noun या Pronoun+Can not/Could not+MainVerb)

Rule 5- जब वाक्य As soon as(ज्योहीं) से प्रारंभ तो इसे Negative में निम्न प्रकार transform करते हैं-

(No sooner+do/does/did/had------than+Second Clause)

Affirmative-As soon as I saw a snake,I ran away.

Negative-No sooner did I see a snake than I ran away.


No sooner had I seen a snake than I ran away.

Affirmative-As soon as the dogs barked,the thieves ran away.

Negative-No sooner did the dogs bark than the thieves ran away.

Affirmative-As soon as the teacher enters the class,the boys become silent.

Negative-No sooner does the teacher enter the class than the boys become silent.

Rule-6- यदि Affirmative Sentence--Past Indefinite में है और Negative में Transform करना हो तो did not fail का प्रयोग करते हैं।

Affirmative-I saw the taj.

Negative-I did not fail to see the taj.

Affirmative-I attended the meeting.

Negative-I did not fail to attend the meeting.

Rule 7-यदि Affirmative Sentence---Present Indefinite में हो तो Subject के अनुसार do not fail/does not fail का प्रयोग करते हैं।जैसे-

Affirmative-He goes for a walk daily in the morning.

Negative-He does not fail to go for a walk daily in the morning.

Affirmative-He completes his home-work regularly.

Negative-He does not fail to complete his home-work regularly.


जरा इन उदाहरणों को भी देखे--

Afirmative-This is the ugliest scene.

Negative-No other scene is so ugly as this.

Affirmative-Mr.Singh is one of the best teachers.

Negative-Most of the other teachers are not so good as Mr.Singh.

Affirmative-He is hopeful of his success.

Negative-He is not without hope for his success.  या 

He is not hopeless of his success.

Affirmative-Avoid smoking.

Negative-Do not smoke.

Affirmative-She always abuse when she speaks.

Negative-She never speaks but abuse.


  1. Sir aap in rule ko bahut achchhi Tarah se samjhaye hai ki Kisi ko aasani se samajh mein aa jayega

  2. Sir ji aap mahan hai iitana badhiea Rule aapaka oor type ka Rule baniyea


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