Transformation-Interchange of Simple Sentence into Compound sentence

 Interchange of simple sentences into compound sentences

---------------------------------simple sentence को Compound Sentence में बदलना-

 compound sentence में एक  Principal clause तथा कम से कम एक Co-Ordinate Clause होता है।अतः Simple Sentence को Compound Sentence में बदलने के लिए Simple Sentence के मुख्य क्रिया वाले भाग को छोड़कर शेष भाग के किसी शब्द या Phrase को Co-Ordinate Clause में बदलकर बीच मे निम्न प्रकार के Co-Ordinating Conjuctions में से किसी एक का प्रयोग करते हैं।

Note-1 Simple Sentence में केवल एक Finite Verb होती है।Finite Verb उसे कहते हैं जिससे Tense की जानकारी होती है और जिस पर Subject का प्रभाव पड़ता है।

2-Compound Sentence में एक Principal Clause तथा एक या एक से अधिक Co-Ordinate Clause होती है जो किसी न किसी Co-Ordinating Conjunction से जुड़ी होती है।

1-By using Cumulative Conjunctions (दो कथनों को जोड़ने वाले संयोजक)-(and,as well as,not only.......But also,both.......And )

*Simple-Reaching school, I asked for permission to leave.

Compound-I reached  school  and asked permission to leave.

ध्यान रखिये-इस वाक्य में Main Part(I asked for permission to leave)में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करेंगे बल्कि इसे वाक्य के आरंभ में लिखेंगे।Part 1(Reaching school) में Participle का प्रयोग है अतः इसमें Co-Ordinating Conjuction का प्रयोग करके एक Clause बदल देंगे। 

*Simple-Besides being honest, he is gentle.

Compound-He is not only honest but also gentle.

*Simple-The sun having risen, the formers began to plough the fields.

Compound-The sun rose and the formers begin to plough the fields.

*Simple-To our great surprise we saw her in the fair.

Compound-We saw her in the fair and this gave us a great surprise.

*Simple-Both Rohan and his brother passed.

Compound-Rohan as well as his brother passed.

*Simple-Receiving his reward, the boy became glad.

Compound-The boy received his reward and he became glad.

*Simple-Hearing the noise, the child woke up.

Compound-The child heard the noise and he woke up.

*Simple-Having completed the work, I went to market.

Compound-I completed the work and went to market.

*Simple-Besides giving me money, he helped me also.

Compound-He not only gave me money but also helped me.

*Simple-Besides being a good doctor, he is a good man.

Compound-He is not only a good doctor but also a good man.

*Simple-After taking off his clothes, he went to bathe.

Compound-He took off his clothes and went to bathe.

*Simple-Having found her bag, she began to smile.

Compound-She found her bag and began to smile.

2-By using  Alternative

Conjunctions( दो कथनों के बीच विकल्प स्पष्ट करने वाले संयोजक)-(Or,either.....or,neither......nor,


*Simple-He must confess his guilt to escape a fine.

Compound-He must confess his guilt or he will be fined.

*Simple-You must complete your homework to escape punishment.

Compound-You must complete your homework or you will be punished.

*Simple-You will miss the train without making haste.

Compound-Make haste otherwise you will miss the train.

*Simple-He must work hard to pass this year.

Compound-He must work hard or he will not pass this year.

*Simple-One of the two statements is correct.

Compound-Either this or that statement is correct.

*Simple-You must reach the ground to avoid detention.

Compound-You must reach the ground or you will be detained.

3-By using Adversative Conjunctions( दो कथनों में विरोध व्यक्त करने वाले संयोजक)-Yet(फिर भी),but(लेकिन),still(फिर भी)

*Simple-Notwithstanding  his sorrow he is hopeful.

Compound-He is sorrowfull Still he is hopeful.

*Simple-In spite of hard work, she failed.

Compound-She worked hard yet she failed.

*Simple-In spite of ill health, he attended the class.

Compound-His health was not good but he attended the class.

*Simple-notwithstanding his hard work, he did not succeed.

Compound-He worked hard but he did not succeed.

*Simple-In spite of his illness, he works day and night.

Compound-He is ill still he works day and night.

*Simple-In spite of his poverty he is honest.

Compound-He is poor yet he is honest.

(4) by using illative conjunctions ( कार्य का परिणाम प्रकट करने वाले संयोजक)-so(इसलिए), therefore(इसलिए), for(क्योंकि),thus(इस प्रकार)

*Simple-Owing to bad health, I could not work.

Compound-He was in bad health so he could not work.


He could not work for he was in bad health.

*Simple-He ran away to escape arrest.

Compound-He ran away thus he escaped arrest.

*Simple-Owing to ill luck she met with an accident.

Compound-she was unlucky therefore she met with an accident.

*Simple-On account of weakness, I could not attend class.

Compound-I was weak therefore I could not attend class.

*Simple-He was rewarded for his sincerity.

Compound-He was sincer so he was rewarded.

*Simple-Everyone loves him for his simple nature.

Compound-He has simple nature so everyone loves him.

*Simple-He was honoured for his wisdom.

Compound-He was honoured for he was wise.

*Simple-He was punished for theft.

Compound-He was thief so he was punished.

*Simple-He will be dismissed for his rude behaviour.

Compound-His behaviour is rude so he will be dismissed.

*Simple-The parents punished the boy for his carelessness.

Compound-The boy was careless so the parents punish him.


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