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Transformation of Simple sentences into complex sentences (Adjective Clause)

 Transformation of Simple sentences into complex sentences (Adjective clause)


1- यदि एक वाक्य के अंतर्गत आए हुएNoun या Pronoun के लिए दूसरे वाक्य में कोई बात कही गई है तो दूसरे वाक्य को Adjective Clause  बना देते हैं। 

2-Simple Sentence में आए हुए किसी प्रभावकारी word या Phrase को विस्तार करके Adjective Clause में बदल देते हैं। अतः Adjective Clause में निम्न Conjuctions का प्रयोग होता है।

*Who (जो, जिसने)- मनुष्य के लिए(Subjective केस में

*Which(जो,जिसने)-वस्तु के लिए(Subjective Case में)

*Whom(जिसे,जिसको)-व्यक्ति के लिए(Objective Case में)

*Whose(जिसका)-सजीव व  निर्जीव दोनों के लिए(Possessive Case में)

*That(जो,जिसे)-1 जब Antecedent all, any, none, only,nothing, abstract noun, Superlative degree हो।

2-who और what आदि interrogative pronouns के बाद,दो Antecedent के पश्चात जब उनमें से एक व्यक्ति को तथा दूसरा किसी जानवर या वस्तु को इंगित करता हो।

*When-जब(समय के लिए)

*Where-जहाँ(स्थान के लिए)

*Why-जिस कारण(कारण के लिए)

*How-जिस तरीके से(Manner व Method के लिए)



*Simple-I have a silver chain.

Complex-I have a chain which is made of silver.

*Simple-Good girls are always busy working.

Complex-The girls who are good, are always busy working.

Note-याद रखिये की Adjective Clause को हमेशा अपने Antecedent के पास रखते हैं।वाक्य में Who are good जो कि एक Adjective Clause है ,को उसके Antecedent(पूर्ववर्ती) Girl के पास रखा गया है क्योंकि Adjective Clause(Who are good) girl की विशेषता बता रहा है।

 *Simple-She can purchase anything of her liking.

Complex-She can purchase anything that she likes.

*Simple-We should not hate the weak.

Complex-We should not hate those who are weak.

*Simple-He is a man of noble deeds.

Complex-He is a man who does noble deeds.

*Simple-Good boys obey their teachers.

Complex-The boys who are good, over their teachers.

*Simple-He died in his native village.

Complex-He died in the village where he was born.

*Simple-No one can tell the time of his arrival.

Complex-No one can tell the time when he will arrive.

*Simple-Pandit Nehru, The prime minister of India, was respected by all.

Complex-Pandit Nehru who was the prime minister of India was respected by all.

*Simple-Call the man with a stick in his hand.

Complex-Call the man who has a stick in his hand.

*Simple-I bought my uncle's bike.

Complex-I bought the bike which belonged to my uncle.

*Simple-A lame man can not run.

Complex-A man who is lame cannot run.

*Simple-The song sung by Lata is liked by everybody.

Complex-Everybody likes the song which Lata sings.

*Simple-The train coming from Lucknow is two hours late.

Complex-The train which is coming from Lucknow is late by two hours.

*Simple-Tell me the place of your birth.

Complex-Tell me the place where you were born.

*Simple-Good boys work hard.

Complex-The boys who are good, work hard.

*Simple-We must help the poor.

Complex-We must help those who are poor.

*Simple-Barking dogs seldom bite.

Complex-The dogs which bark seldom bite.

*Simple-A dead man needs nothing.

Complex-A man who is dead, needs nothing.

*Simple-A bad man cannot change his nature.

Complex-A man who is bad cannot change his nature.

*Simple-Fatherless child is called an orphan.

Complex-A child whose father is dead, is called an orphan.

*Simple-He told me an interesting story.

Complex-He told me a story which was interesting.

*Simple-Your action is unpardonable.

Complex-Your action is  such as cannot be pardoned.

*Simple-He purchased Rohan's house.

Complex-He purchased a house which belong to Rohan.

*Simple-He died in his village.

Complex-He died in the village where he was born.


He died in the village where he lived.

*Simple-He told me the time of his departure.

Complex-He told me the time when he would depart.

*Simple-I met a boy with blue eyes.

Complex-I met a boy who had blue eyes.

*Simple-Give me the pen lying on the table.

Complex-Give me the pen which is lying on the table.


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