Essay-" My First Day At School"
My First Day At School
1. Introduction: First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It was 1st July.
2. On way to school-I got up early in the morning on this day. I got myself prepared. With my tutor, I started towards my new school.
3. School office and the Principal's office-We entered the office where I found four men sitting behind the counter. My tutor got a form from one of them. He filled it. Then we entered the principal's office. My tutor gave the form to him. He looked at the form and struck a bell. At once a peon came in. He ordered him to take us to the staff room.
4-My test and Admission-The peon lead us to the room where I found the teachers are sitting around a long table. My tutor gave the form to one of them. The teacher put my knowledge to test in English. He found me fit. Another teacher gave me five sums to solve. I solved them easily. Both the teachers wrote something on the form. Again my tutor entered the principal's office. He ordered for my admission. My tutor deposited my Dues in the office. I was sent to XI-B classroom with a chit.
5. Class room and class teacher- I went into the classroom and took my seat in the last row. In front of me, there was a big blackboard on the wall. Near it, there was a descent chair and table for the teachers on a raised platform. After a few minutes a teacher entered the classroom. I gave the chit to him. He wrote my name in the register.The teacher was an interesting fellow. He passed a few funny remarks.
6-Experience in the recess period-At the races bell, we rushed out of classroom. It was the leisure time. Some boys approached me.They cracked jokes. One of them said,"from which Jungle are you coming?" I was silent. Fortunately, three boys ran for my help. They took me round the school building. They showed me reading room and library, I found the school hall well decorated with paintings. As the bell rang, we were again in the classroom. Four teachers attended their period.
7-conclusion-At 12:30 the last bell went. The classes were over. When I reached home, I was quite glad. I told my mother about my school.she was glad to hear the account of my first day.
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