Narration Assertive Sentences

 Direct and Indirect Narration


   Assertive Sentence

 इन वाक्यों के द्वारा किसी बात का कथन(Statement) ज्ञात होता है। इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलने के नियमों का वर्णन इस प्रकार है-

(1) Tenses में परिवर्तन संबंधी नियम(Rules for the change of Tenses)

Rule-1. यदि Reporting Verb, Present Tense में हो तो अथवा Future Tense में हो तो Reported Speech के Verb के Tense में किसी प्रकार का परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं।

2-इसमें Conjunction 'That' का प्रयोग करते हैं।

1.Direct- Mohan says, "Ravi has gone to Varanasi"

  indirect- Mohan says that Ravi has gone to Varanasi.

2.Direct-Govind will say, "Roshani is very intelligent"

Indirect-Govind will say that Roshan is very intelligent.

3.Direct- He has said to me," Akash will join the coaching."

Indirect- He has told me that Akash will join the coaching.

Note-Say,Says या Said को indirect Speech में tell,tells या told में उस समय बदलते हैं, जब इसके बाद Object हो(उदाहरण 3)।यदि Say, Says, या Said के बाद Object न हो तो उन्हें नहीं बदलते (उदाहरण 1,2)

Rule 2.यदि Reporting Verb, Past Tense में हो, तो Reporting Speech के Tense में परिवर्तन निम्न प्रकार होता है-

(a)Present Indefinite Tense बदलकर Past Tense हो जाता है।जैसे-

Direct Ravi said, "Rohan tells a lie."

Indirect-Ravi said that Rohan told a lie.

(b)Present Continuous को Past Continuous में बदल देते हैं।जैसे-
Direct-Gita said to me,"Aman is reading a book.

Indirect-Gita told me that Aman was reading a book.

(c) Present Perfect Tense को Past Perfect Tense में बदल देते हैं।जैसे-

Direct-Komal said,"Asha has completed her work"

Indirect-Komal said that Asha had completed her work.

(d)Present Perfect Continuous को Past Perfect continuous में बदल देते हैं।जैसे-

Direct-He said,"It has been raining since evening"

Indirect-He said that it had been raining since evening.

(e) Past Indefinite को Past Perfect Tense में बदल देते हैं।जैसे-
Direct-He said,"The man died in the night"

Indirect-He said that the man had died in the night.

(f) Past Continuous को Past Perfect Continuous tense में बदल देते हैं।जैसे-
Direct-He said,"The boys were playing their games"

Indirect-He said that the boys had been playing their games.

(g) Past Perfect Tense तथा Past Perfect Continuous Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।जैसे-

*Direct-They said, "Mahima had completed the work"

Indirect-They said that Mahima had completed the work.

*Direct-He said," Roshani had been reading for two hours"

Indirect-He said that Roshni had been reading for two hours.

(h)यदि Reporting Verb भूतकाल(Past Tense)में हो, तो Reported Speech में आने वाले Shall को Should एवं Will को would में बदल देते हैं।जैसे-

*Direct-I said,"I shall play"

Indirect-I said that I should play.

*Direct-My friend said,"Garima will read her book"

Indirect-My friend said that Garima would read her book.

(1)यदि Reporting Verb भूतकाल(Past Tense)में हो तो Reported Speech में आने वाले 

Can को  Could में, May को might में बदलते हैं।पर Must, ought could, would, might had better तथा used to में परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।जैसे-

*Direct-I said," I can run very fast"

Indirect-I said that I could run very fast.

*Direct-He said, "The teacher may go"

Indirec-He said that the teacher might go.

*Direct-The Principal said,"Rohan must be awarded"

Indirect-The Principal said that Rohan must be awarded.

*Direct-He said to me,"Amit should have tried harder."

Indirect-He told me that Amit should have tried harder.

*Direct-I said,"My father used to teach me regularly."

Indirect-I said that my father used to teach me regularly.

*Direct-The teacher said,"The boys had better go home early"

Indirect-The teacher said that the boys had better go home early.

*Direct-The police officer said,"Everyone ought to obey the rules of the road.

Indirect-The police officer said that the everyone ought to obey the rules of the road.

   Tense सम्बन्धी नियम के अपवाद

निचे लिखी दशाओं में Reporting Verb के Past Tense में होते हुए भी Reported Speech का Tense नहीं बदलता है-

(1)जब कोई सदा सत्य रहने वाली(Universal Truth) बात कही जाय;जैसे-

*Direct-The teacher said,"The sun is hot"

Indirect-The teacher said that the sun is hot.

*Direct-The teacher said, The earth moves round the sun.

Indirect-The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.

*Direct-He said,"The sun rises in the east."

indirect-He said that the sun rises in the east.

(2)जब कोई आदत संबंधी तथ्य(Habitual fact)कहा जाय; जैसे-

Direct-Rohan said to Gopal,"Dogs bark at the strangers"

Indirect-Rohan told Gopal that dogs bark at the strangers.

Direct-The teacher said,"When the cat is away, the mice play."

Indirect-The teacher said that when the cat is away, the mice play.

(3)जब कोई कहावत कही जाय; जैसे-

*Direct-My father said,"Honesty is the best policy."

Indirect-My father said that honesty is the best policy.

*Direct-Ram said to his brother,"Might is right."

Indirect-Ram told his brother that Might is right.

*Direct-The teacher said,"Slow and steady wins the race."

Indirect-The teacher said that slow and steady wins the race.

(4)जब किसी ऐतिहासिक घटना(Historical fact)का जिक्र हो-

*Direct-The history teacher said,"Samundra gupt is called the Napoleon of India."

indirect-The history teacher said that Samundra Gupt is called the Napoleon of India.

*Direct-My father said,"India got freedom  in 1947."

Indirect-My father said that India got freedom in 1947.


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