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Narration-Rules for changes of Persons(Persons में परिवर्तन के नियम)


Persons में परिवर्तन के नियम


Note-केवल Personal Pronoun में ही परिवर्तन होता है और ये तीन प्रकार के होते हैं;

First Person-जो ब्यक्ति बोलता है(The person who speaks) जैसे-I,me,my

Second Person-ब्यक्ति जिससे बोला जाता है(The person spoken to)।जैसे-You,your,you

Third Person-ब्यक्ति जिसके बारे में बोला जाता है(The person spoken of)जैसे-He,his,him


Personal Pronoun की सूची दी गई है उसे Number तथा Gender का ध्यान रखते हुए देखें-


          Personal Pronoun

Rule-Direct से Indirect बनाते समय Reported Speech के First Persons के pronouns(I,me,my, mine, we,us,ours)को Reporting Verb के Subject के Person,Number और Gender के अनुसार बदल देते हैं।जैसे-

1.Direct-I said,"I do not like that house"

indirect- I said that I did not like that house.

2. Direct-You said," I am learning my lesson"

Indirect-You said that you were learning your lesson.

3.Direct-Sita said,"I have done my homework."

Indirect-Sita said that she had done her home work.

4.Direct-They said,"We want to go to Varanasi."

Indirect-They said that they wanted to go to Varanasi.

Rule-2.Direct से indirect में परिवर्तन करते समय Reported Speech में आये हुए Second Person (You, yours) को Reporting Verb के Object के Person, Number और Gender के अनुसार बदलते हैं।जैसे-

1.Direct-He said to him,"You write a letter to your father."

Indirect-He told him that he wrote a letter to his father.

2.Direct-He said to him,"You are happy."

Indirect-He told them that they were happy.

3.Direct-He said to you,"You are wise."

Indirect-He told you that you were wise.

Note- इस उदाहरण ने You को नही बदला गया है क्योंकि Reporting Verb का object भी Second Person अर्थात you है।दोनों एक ही Person  हैं।

4.Direct-Gita said to him,"You are not learning your lesson."

Indirect-Gita told him that he was not learning his lesson."

5.Direct-He said to them,"You are very glad"

Indirect-He told them that they were very glad."

Note-यदि Reporting Verb के बाद किसी Object का प्रयोग नहीं है तो Reporting Verb के पश्चात Third Person के Pronoun या First Person के Pronoun का प्रयोग करके उसे Object बना देते हैं तथा उसी के अनुसार Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Second person के pronoun को third person में बदल देते हैं जैसे-

Direct-Ravi said,"You should respect your elders."

Indirect-Ravi told him that he should respect his elders.


Ravi told me that I should respect my elders.

यदि यह स्पष्ट होता है कि You का प्रयोग किसके लिए हुआ है तो उसे उसके Person के अनुसार बदल देते हैं।जैसे-

Direct-He said,"You can go home,Aman"

Indirect-He told Aman that he could go


Rule.3-Direct से indirect में परिवर्तन करते समय Reported Speech में आये हुए Third Person के Pronoun (he, she,it, they, his,her,hers, theirs, them)में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं।जैसे-

1.Direct-Ramesh said,He is a doctor."

Indirect-Ramesh said that he was a doctor.

2.Direct-I said,"She is not a good student.

Indirect-I said that she was not good students.


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