Class-11th English Model Paper
Class 11th English
Section A : Reading
Q.1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Gandhi Ji's greatest strength was belief in God.He fought for the freedom of India because he used to say that the best way to serve God was to serve His people,and, therefore, when he works for the happiness of the Indian, he was also making God happy. people would put a straight question to him, asking him to prove that there is a God and how we can know Him. Gandhi ji would admit frankly that he could not show God to anybody, because His presence could be felt in the heart only. He was, however,a lover of God and could not live without him. He once said, "If you do not give me air and water, I can still live, but if you take away my belief in God, I said I immediately."
Q.(a) What were Gandhi ji's view about God?
(b) How did he want to serve God?
(c) In what way was he a lover of God?
(d) Give a suitable title to the given passage.
(e)Give one word for 'One who believes in God' from the passage.
Section B : Writing
Q.2.You are Nalini/Rakesh.the word book fair which lasted for a month in your city was the hot topic of all book lovers.Write a report for publication in a newspaper.
Make a notes on the given passage and then make summary of the passage with the help of notes
Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an unprecedented speech on national television at evening on 8th November 2016.
All currency notes of denomination Rs 500 and Rs1000 were to lose legal sanction from midnight. But now currency notes of Rs 500 are to be re-issued while Rs 1000 currency notes will be completely done away with. Notes of Rs 2000 will be introduced in limited numbers from 10th November. All notes in lower in lower denomination will remain unaffected.Its main purpose is to curb corruption, black money and terrorism.
Mr.Modi addressed till 40 minutes. He talked about how India has become the 'bright spot' in the global economy.
The person with black money stand the most affected.The banks are expected to experience many problems. The main problem is the managerial difficulty of handling long queues. Many people criticised Mr.Modi's decision.
Q.3. Education should not allow any discrimination. All children have an equal right to education. Yet we find that in many families, girls are not given the education they desire. Write an article in about 150 words on the topic. "The Importance of Educating the Girl Child."
Write an essay on "My First Day At School" in about 150 words.
Q.4. Write an application to the Deputy Superintendent of Police to allow you to use loudspeaker on the occasion of marriage of your sister.
Write a letter to your younger brother,advising him to work hard at his studies so that he may get a first class.
Section C : Grammar
Q.5. Give very short answer of the following :
(1) Change any one into indiret speech
(a) I said to them, "I shall be punctual in future."
(b) The boy said to his mother, "I am not well today."
(2)Change any one as directed
(a) He saw a snake. He ran away.
(Combine into simple sentence)
(b) He is innocent. I know it.
(Combine into Complex sentence)
(3) Change into Passive voice
(a) He writes a letter.
(b) We are playing football.
(4) Correct any one of the following sentence
(a) He is a honest man.
(b) He studies in an University.
(5) Use any one of the following idioms in your sentence.
(a)All in all (b) A bed of roses
(6) Use any one from the given phrasal verbs in your own sentence.
(a) Bring up. (b) Break down
(7) Give the synonyms of the following :
(a) Heavy (b) Brave (c) Sorrow (d) Cry
(8) Give the antonyms of the following
(a) Long (b) Wise (c) Loose (d) Limited
(9) Give one word for the following group of the word :
(a) The life history of a man written by himself.
(b) A person residing in a country of which he is not a citizen.
(10) Use the following words in sentence of your own so to bring out the difference in their meaning :
(a) Adopt, Adapt (b) Affect, Effect
Q.6. Translate the following passage into English:
महात्मा गाँधी के तीन बन्दर मानव स्वभाव के तीन महान गुणों के प्रतीक हैं । पहला बन्दर , अपनी आँखें बन्द कर रखी हैं , सन्देश देता है कि व्यक्ति तथा संसार की बुराई को नहीं देखना चाहिए । दूसरा बन्दर जिसका मुँह बन्द है , सन्देश देता है कि किसी के बारे में बुरा नहीं बोलना चाहिए और तीसरा बन्दर जिसके कान बन्द हैं , सन्देश देता है किसी की बुराई अथवा निन्दा नहीं सुननी चाहिए । वास्तव में , रहने वाला प्रत्येक व्यक्ति इन तीन बातों का अपने व्यवहार में पालन करे तो वैयक्तिक , पारस्परिक , पारिवारिक एवं सामाजिक तनाव अपने आप ही समाप्त हो जायेगा । तनाव के कारण उत्पन्न यदि संसार बीमारियाँ भी समाप्त हो जायेंगी ।
Section D : Literature
Q.7. Describe the friendship between Khushwant Singh and his grandmother.
Write a character sketch of Khushwant Singh's grandmother.
Q.8. Give a short answer any of two :
(a)Why did Tutankhaten change his name to Tutankhamun ?
(b) What did the emperor say about the painting in 'Landscape of the soul' ?
(c)What were the words of Margret Thatcher?
Q.9. Read the given stanza and answer the questions :
The cardboard shows me how it was when the two girl cousins went paddling, each one holding one of my mother's hands, and she the big girl - some twelve years or so. All three stood still to smile through their hair At the uncle with the camera.
Questions: (i) What does the cardboard 'denote in the poem?
(ii) How many years ago was the poet's mother young?
(iii) Why were they standing still?
Q.10. Write the central idea of any one of the following poems: 4
(i) A Photograph (ii) The Voice of the Rain (iii) Childhood
Q.11. Draw a character - sketch of Ranga. Or Mr. Braun and Mr Koch, both had different opinions about Einstein.Comment. Q.12. Answer any two of the following:
(i) What was john Byro's reaction after identifying the horse?
(ii) What did the narrator decide at last in 'The Address'?
(iii) What incident did Yuri tell about a duel?
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