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Advantages and Disadvantages of Science





1. Introduction : This is the age of science. We keep on witnessing many new inventions of science at every step of our life. Right from the morning when we rise from our bed till at night when we go to our bed, we use appliances which are a gift of science. Science has invented various modes of entertainment such as television, cinema and many other things which are very useful for our life and the best means of recreation and . Science has given us electricity.without which it is very difficult to spend even a minute. 

2. Its Advantages : Science has given eyes to the blind and legs to the lame. Most deadly diseases have been controlled by medical science. Diseases such as tuberculosis (T.B.), small pox, chicken pox, tetanus, cholera, which were once incurable and led to the death of thousands of people, are curable today. In the field of agriculture, a lot of progress has been made due to scientific inventions. Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, manure, irrigation facilities etc. have helped in increasing the agricultural production manifold. With the blessings of science, we can fly in the air and talk to distant friends in no time. Today, we have fast means of transport. Buses, trains, aeroplanes etc. Today, we can talk to far off persons with telephones, Fax, e-mail, internet etc. 

3. Its Disadvantages : The science has also provided means of destruction to man. It has given atom bombs, chemical bombs, neutron bombs, nuclear bombs, tanks, missiles etc. in the hands of man. This has raised the threat of a nuclear war which will destroy the whole world. 

4. Conclusion: We can conclude that science can be a great boon to the most mankind if it is used for peace. It can be a friend to mankind only if it is used in the inventions of things which can make life easy for people. But the misuse of science may lead to heavy destruction.


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