
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Poem "Keeping Quiet"

           Keeping Quiet                         Central Idea  Pablo Neruda asks all the human beings to stop all our worldly activity for a while and spend our few moments in quiet introspection. It will keep us to understand ourselves. We are in trouble because we always remain in hurry and rush, let us withdraw ourselves from all undesirable actions and remain quiet. It will bring all together and a feeling of understanding with development. This poem leaves a message of universal brotherhood and peace. It urges people to stop all sorts of aggression,including that towards the environment. पाब्लो नेरुदा सभी इंसानों से कहते हैं कि हमारी सारी सांसारिक गतिविधियों को थोड़ी देर के लिए बंद कर दें और हमारे कुछ पल शांत आत्मनिरीक्षण में बिताएं।  यह हमें खुद को समझने के लिए रखेगा।  हम मुसीबत में हैं क्योंकि हम हमेशा जल्दी और हड़बड़ी में रहते हैं, आइए हम सभी अवांछित कार्यों से खुद को हट...

Article Writing For highschool & Intermediate

       Article Writing           ------------------------------- Article for School Magazine  स्कूल और छात्र सम्बन्धी विभिन्न विषयों का इसके अन्तर्गत समावेश किया जा सकता है । इसमे स्कूली जीवन तथा छात्र - छात्राओं के क्रियाकलापों का  विवरण है । । इन विषयों के साथ - ही - साथ सामाजिक जीवन व प्रकृति के तमाम रहस्यों का समावेश भी इस विधा में किया जा सकता है ।  रचना विन्यास ( Format or Layout )  ( a ) Heading of the article .  ( b ) Description in three or four paragraphs .  ( c ) Name of the pupil ( writer ) with class and section .   भाषा का स्वरूप  विषयवस्तु के अनुरूप भाषा साहित्यिक , अथवा सामान्य बोल - चाल की हो सकती है । भाषा में अर्थबोध की स्पष्टता अवश्य होनी चाहिए ।                  Example Q.2.  Write an article for a newspaper on "Family Values ​​and Changing Times".   Ans.    Family Values ​​and Changing Times     ...

Short and Long Answer Type Questions(Discovering Tut : The Saga Continues)

  Short Answer Type Questions     Q.1 . Who was Tut ? At what age did he die ?                                                                      टुट कौन था ? कितनी आयु में उसकी मृत्यु हुई ?  Ans . Tut was an Egyptian king . His full name was Tutankhamun . He died in his teen age . He was the last heir of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt for centuries . His reign was more than 3,300 years ago . टुट मिस्र का राजा था । उसका पूरा नाम टुटनखामून था । किशोर अवस्था में उसकी मृत्यु हो गयी थी । वह उस परिवार का अन्तिम उत्तराधिकारी था जिसने सैकड़ों वर्षों तक मिस्र पर शासन किया था । उसका शासन 3,300 वर्षों से अधिक पहले था ।    Q.2 . What were the things buried with Tut ?                                ...

Report Writing (Writing Skill)

  Write a report on a cultural programme organised for raising funds for the handicapped .                                                              ( अपंग लोगों के लिए धनराशि एकत्र करने हेतु सांस्कृतिक आयोजन पर एक रिपोर्ट लिखिए । ) Ans- A Cultural Programme to Raise Funds for  the Handicapped A Cultural Programme to Raise Funds for the Handicapped On the 15th of this month our Principal inspired us to arrange a cultural programme , which was arranged in our school with the help of local artists for raising funds . Local artists staged a one act play called " God's people ” . It was appreciated by one and all . Then songs and ‘ Bharata Natayam ' followed . Everyone gave them a standing ovation . Our school presented ' Bhangra ' and " Unity in Diversity " . It received applause . The programme ended after 4 hours at 8 p.m....

Writing Skill (intermediate)How to Write a Notice

                    Writing   O. 1. Write a notice for your school bulletin board, your notice could be an announcement of a forth coming event. Ans.    Dharm Chakra Vihar Inter college                           Notice March 21, 2019                            Sports Day  The school has decided to celebrate its annual sports day on 25 March, 2021. All those interested to participate in the various sports activities are requested to give their names to their respective class teachers latest by March 23, 2021 in the following format :  Name :  Class of Section :  Activity 1:  Activity 2:  Activity 3 :  A copy of the list of sports activities has been sent to your class teacher. Please note that no student is allowed to participate in more than three sports a...