The Present Continuous Tense
( A ) This tense is normally used for an action in progress , that is temporary in nature , in the present at the time of speaking .
For example-
( i ) She is not working . She is swimming in the river
( ii ) It is raining outside .
( B ) It also expresses future action or a definite arrangement in the near future .
For example-
( i ) I am going to the cinema tomorrow .
( ii ) She is coming next week .
Additional Uses of Present Continuous Tense-
( C ) Continuous tense with ' always ' may express an idea which is not to the liking of the speaker .
For example-
( i ) She is always teaching her children .
( ii ) He is always praising his friends .
( D ) There are some of the verbs which sometime don't admit of progressive action . Such verbs are called Non - progressive verbs ( Stative verbs ) .
These include
( i ) Verbs of Perception : See , taste , smell , hear , prefer , please .
( ii ) Verbs of Thinking Process : Think , know , mean , mind .
( iii ) Verbs Showing Possession : Own , have , belong , comprise , possess , contain .
( iv ) Verbs Expressing Feelings or State of Mind Believe , like , love , want , wish , desire , hate .
( v ) Verbs in General : Look , seem , appear , affect , resemble , cost , require , stand , face , become .
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