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Article-Rural Development of India


Our country India is a land of villages. Most of the population of our country live in villages. 

Before 1947, the condition of our villages was far from satisfactory. But now the picture is changing.

           Under the leadership of Pandit Nehru, the National Government started extensive programmes

 for the rural development. Country's five-year plans and other projects came to existence. 

People began to take interest in them when the real work of the construction of roads, tubewells and tanks


             If we go to see a village, we see that roads are constructed. Electricity has begun to function. 

Primary Schools and Junior High Schools impart education to children. People take interest in politics.

 They read newspapers and watch T.V. Some of them have their own T.V. sets and transistors.

           Despite of many programmes of the government the picture of our villages is still incomplete. 

we see that roads are constructed but there is no proper maintenance of them. Electric supply is very poor. 

Even today there are no hospitals and doctors.

         No doubt, the face of our villages is changing but the pace of the progress is slower than expected. 

Our governments need to change their policies to get expected results in changing the condition of the 



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