
Showing posts from December, 2020

व्यष्टि - अर्थशास्त्र तथा समष्टि - अर्थ ( Microeconomics and Macroeconomics ) शास्त्र

   व्यष्टि - अर्थशास्त्र तथा समष्टि - अर्थशास्त्र  ( Microeconomics and Macroeconomics )  --------------------------------------------- अर्थशास्त्र को विस्तृत रूप से दो भागों में वर्गीकृत किया गया है : ( i ) व्यष्टि - अर्थशास्त्र तथा ( ii ) समष्टि - अर्थशास्त्र । अर्थशास्त्र की व्यष्टि तथा समष्टि अवधारणाओं का संक्षिप्त विवरण इस प्रकार है :  व्यष्टि - अर्थशास्त्र ( Microeconomics ) जब आर्थिक समस्याओं अथवा आर्थिक मुद्दों का अध्ययन व्यक्तिगत उपभोक्ता या व्यक्तिगत उत्पादक जैसी छोटी आर्थिक इकाइयों को ध्यान में रखकर किया जाता है , तब हमारा अभिप्राय व्यष्टि - अर्थशास्त्र से है । एक व्यक्तिगत आर्थिक इकाई ( जैसे एक उत्पादक या एक उपभोक्ता ) के स्तर पर आधारभूत आर्थिक समस्या चयन ( Choice ) की समस्या है जो दुर्लभ या सीमित संसाधनों के वैकल्पिक उपयोगों में बंटवारे से संबंधित है । एक उपभोक्ता को , विभिन्न वस्तुओं और सेवाओं के खरीदने में , अपनी निश्चित आय का आबंटन करना पड़ता है । उसे अपनी संतुष्टि अधिकतम करनी होती है । वह इसे कैसे करता है ? अर्थशास्त्री होने के नाते क्या हमने उप...

The adventures of Toto(Questions & Answers)

  The adventures of Toto  Q.1 - How does Toto come to grandfather's private zoo? Ans . Grandfather bought Toto from a tonga-driver.  The tanga- driver kept the monkey tied to a feeding-trough. The monkey seemed out of place there so grandfather decided to put him in his private zoo. Q.2- "Toto was a pretty monkey ?" In what sense is Toto pretty ? Ans. The author calls Toto a pretty monkey because his eyes were bright and sparkling. His teeth were white like pearls. His fingers were quick. His tail added to his good looks. Q.3- Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how ? Ans. Toto was a pretty monkey. He did not allow other pet animals to sleep at night. So author's grandfather had to take him along with him to Saharanpur when he went there to collect his pension. He was put into a bag. The ticket collector classified Toto as a dog because there was no special provision for monkey in the railways. Q.4- How does Toto take a bath ? Where has he learnt to do th...

Class-9th( The Lost Child)Questions & Answers

           Class-9th   -       English        The Lost Child Q.1-What are the three things the child see on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind? Ans. The child see toys, balloon, garland of gulmohar displayed in the shop. He lags behind because these things fascinate him. Q.2-In the fair he wants many things. What are they ? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer? Ans. The boy wants to buy toys, burfi, flowers and balloon etc.But he moves on without waiting for an answer because he knows that his parents will not buy them for him. Q.3- When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described? Ans. There was a round about in the fair. The boy watched it. He wanted to go on the round about. He requested to his parents. There was no reply. When he turned to look at his parents,he found that he had lost his way. His parents were not with him. He cried i...

Class-11th English Model Paper

           Class 11th English                 Section A : Reading Q.1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: Gandhi Ji's greatest strength was belief in God.He fought for the freedom of India because he used to say that the best way to serve God was to serve His people,and, therefore, when he works for the happiness of the Indian, he was also making God happy.  people would put a straight question to him, asking him to prove that there is a God and how we can know Him. Gandhi ji would admit frankly that he could not show God to anybody, because His presence could be felt in the heart only. He was, however,a lover of God and could not live without him. He once said, "If you do not give me air and water, I can still live, but if you take away my belief in God, I said I immediately." Q.(a) What were Gandhi ji's view about God? (b) How did he want to serve God? (c) In what way was he a lov...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science

                                                            Essay ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SCIENCE  1. Introduction : This is the age of science. We keep on witnessing many new inventions of science at every step of our life. Right from the morning when we rise from our bed till at night when we go to our bed, we use appliances which are a gift of science. Science has invented various modes of entertainment such as television, cinema and many other things which are very useful for our life and the best means of recreation and . Science has given us electricity.without which it is very difficult to spend even a minute.  2. Its Advantages : Science has given eyes to the blind and legs to the lame. Most deadly diseases have been controlled by medical science. Diseases such as tuberculosis (T.B.), small pox, chicken pox...

Narration(Direct and Indirect)

   Direct and Indirect Narration ------------------------------------------------    Assertive Sentence   इन वाक्यों के द्वारा किसी बात का कथन(Statement) ज्ञात होता है। इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलने के नियमों का वर्णन इस प्रकार है - (1) Tenses में परिवर्तन संबंधी नियम(Rules for the change of Tenses) Rule-1. यदि Reporting Verb, Present Tense में हो तो अथवा Future Tense में हो तो Reported Speech के Verb के Tense में किसी प्रकार का परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं। 2-इसमें Conjunction 'That' का प्रयोग करते हैं। 1.Direct- Mohan says, "Ravi has gone to Varanasi"   indirect- Mohan says that Ravi has gone to Varanasi. 2.Direct-Govind will say, "Roshani is very intelligent" Indirect-Govind will say that Roshan is very intelligent. 3.Direct- He has said to me," Akash will join the coaching." Indirect- He has told me that Akash will join the coaching. Note-Say,Says या Said को indirect Speech में tell,tells या told में उस समय बदलते हैं, जब इसके बाद ...

Narration-Rules for the Change of words Expressing Nearness of Time or Position(समय या स्थिति की निकटता सूचक शब्दो को बदलने के नियम)

  Rule 1-Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त समय अथवा स्थिति की निकटता सूचक शब्दों को दूरी प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों में बदल देते हैं। Ago को                                before में Come को                                  go में  hence को।                            thence में Hither को।                            thither में Here को                                there में Now को                         then में बदल देते हैं This को                               ...

Price Rise and Its Impact on the Poor

   Price Rise and Its Impact on the Poor  Introduction : There is the problem of rising prices all over the world.  But this problem is more serious in India than anywhere else.  It is a great curse to poor class.  The following facts have caused the price - rise in India.   Shortage of Things: India is a developing country.  Production is not enough to meet the needs of its people.  So there is shortage of everything.  It causes rise in prices.   Over - population: India is facing the great problem of over - population.  But production does not increase in the same proportion.  So people's needs cannot be met out.  The prices go high.  As such there is a great need of check on population.   Backward Farming: Backward farming is also a cause of rising prices.  The yield is low.  There is shortage of oil seeds, pulses, gram and some other food grains.  The supply is less than the...

Essay-Visit to a Historical Place

     Visit to a Historical Place  Introduction : Our history teacher believes in practical teaching. So this year in the month of October, he took some students to Agra to see Taj Mahal.  Importance of Agra: Agra is a famous city. It achieved great historical importance in India during the Mughal period.  Buildings at Agra: The Mughals built many buildings. Some of them are very remarkable. The Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, Sikandra and the Fatehpur Sikri are places worthseeing. Our Stay at Agra: We reached Agra at noon. We stayed in a luxurious hotel. After taking light refreshment we started to see the Taj Mahal.  Description of the Taj: The Taj Mahal is situated on the left bank of the river Yamuna. It is built of white marble. It was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved queen, Mumtaz Mahal. The whole building is white. The graves of both the King and the Queen are in the vault of the Taj Mahal. It looks very beautiful in moonlight. It is a st...

Essay-My Hobby

                                                                My Hobby    Introduction : I am a student. Gardening is my hobby. It is a pastime for me. It is an entertainment for me. It gives me pleasure.   Pleasures of Gardening: Gardening for a student or a serviceman who does a sedentary job is a source of pleasure. As a student I claim it a source of healthy pleasure for me.  A Refreshing Work : After mental work a physical work is refreshing. I come from school. I change my dress. I have some snacks. Then I go to my small garden or rather a kitchen garden. I do some spade work. I dig the soil. I prepare a bed for vegetable or flowers. It is my physical exercise. When the seedbed is ready, it gives me contentment. I bathe and wash my clothes. Thereafter I feel relief. It gives me pleasure. I study ...